Chapter 15

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The rest of the car ride was awkwardly silent. It's like I could hear the silence, drowning me in my thoughts.

But thank god at some point we finally reached the final destination and Wonho was surprisingly quickly at getting out of the car, in a pretty anxious way.

I didn't mind though... it felt better than having him sitting so coldly next to me. Ice cold... like an ice queen living her best life in Antarctic.

I parked the car as he waited right outside the ladies' building. Leaned with his back against the wall, one foot up on the wall and both of his hands in his pockets.

It looked kind of badass though... especially when he clenched his teeth in anger.


I thought as I was getting out of the car. But to my surprise he actually had the manner to come and open the door for me, as he helped me out of the car. I have no idea how I didn't notice that he moved all the way to me, but he somehow managed. And... it kind of felt nice.

Our arms were knotted together as we stepped into the ancient building. It was a nice building though.

Antique. Looks like it was built during the "happy 20s". The building itself had a beige cream alike color on the outside, and the inside had a black marble floor. The elevator doors were copper, and the entrance door had gold frames on it. It really looked like something straight out of the great gatsby by movie with Leonardo DiCaprio.

It felt so luxurious and beautiful. I really understand why someone would live here. But there was one thing that I just couldn't understand... How can someone who works a pretty low payed job live in such an expensive apartment, judging by the location right outside of Central Park.

My thoughts froze as Wonho broke the ice by asking:
-"Well... where are we going?"

-"She said she lives on the 14 th floor... and that we should take the elevator on the right." I said as I grabbed his hand and took it with him and into the elevator where I let go of it so I could press on the elevator button '14'.

But it didn't end there. He clearly didn't like that I let go of his hand, and it showed by the way he looked at my hand and then up at me for a good ten seconds until he grabbed my hand again.

I'm not going to lie, I was pretty shocked when he did that as I thought he was mad at me just earlier. Meaning that I looked at him with big eyes and a frowning face.

He stared back at me pretty annoyed as he was pouting his lips.

-"Don't even grab my hand and then let it go. I wanna keep holding it, until I can't no more!" He said satisfied of what just came out of his mouth, and continued by kissing the hand he was holding. As if he got himself clear as glass.

I giggled because of the nervousness that was building up in my stomach, as I felt my cheeks burning hot. I NEEDED AIR!

*Ding dong*

Finally, I never thought I'd ever miss hearing this annoying ding in my whole life. But Wonho obviously changed my mind... and quickly. Revolutionarily. Pretty scary to think of, but then again... it was comforting knowing that if I ever doubted myself I could change quickly to someone better.

We stepped out of the elevator door and he reached for the door bell.

To his surprise an old and short lady opened the door. It shocked him and it made him let go of my hand as he noticed the lady was Asian, making him bow to her as a sight of good manners towards elders and respect.

-"Oh, young man! You are flattering me darling, but you don't have to bow in front of me... Oh hello pretty young miss, come on in please!" She turned to me as she opened the door even bigger and reached her hand into her home as a sign for me to go in.

I turned to Wonho as I wanted him to get in before me, but he made the same gesture as the old lady, so I couldn't help it but make my way into the elder lady's home.

Her home was very welcoming. It was beautifully decorated with a bunch of ancient Chinese vases and other home articles. She didn't have any rugs though, so she offered me and Wonho a pair of home slippers each as he got in the apartment, right behind me.

I thanked her, and took on the purple fleece slippers that had small flowers embroidered on them. Very beautiful ones. And even though she moved pretty slow and was shaking, you could definitely see this woman was very clean and liked tidiness.

We took off our coats and hanged them in the hall as she guided us into her living room.

She had already prepared hot green tea for the both of us and she was also quick to prepare a purifying ritual for us, so that negative energy and evil spirits couldn't get in between our readings.

She aggressively shuffled her cards after asking the spirits and the universe to be honest with the reading today.

As she proceeded to shuffle the cards, she asked for our zodiac sings. Wonho answered her by saying that he is a Pisces, and I answered by saying I'm a Virgo.

-"Interesting... A Virgo, mother and queen of nature... and a Pisces, king of emotions... I feel there's a strong chemical reaction between the two of you!" She said looking up at the both of us.

I smiled as I blushed and looked over to see Wonho's reaction, only to find him looking at her with a big smile drawn on his face, also blushing. He was so cute that I swear to god, I could just squeeze his cheeks!

At some point the lady finally stopped shuffling the cards as about 5 of them where thrown all over her coffee table that we were sitting around.

-"Aaah... Wuauwe this is a lot of mixed emotions... but I'll try to get through it as smoothly as possible, so just... bear with me please!" She said swearing but smiling at the same time. She looked very nervous and it showed...

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