Chapter 16

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At that point me and Wonho were just nerve wrecking messes, craving an answer.

It was almost like I could feel cold sweat running down my forehead, and makeup was slowly melting off of my face.

In the end the old lady finally said:
-"Ok... we'll start with the issue you told me over the phone, because I really need to find myself here!" She said with wide eyes while looking at me.

I was very confused for a second as I didn't recall speaking on the phone with her about anything specific... except for the dream.

-"Right! So... it so happened that we both had almost the exact dream at the same time. What does it mean? Or does it even mean anything at all?!" I asked very anxious and restless for an answer.

-"Well, it really depends. Usually when two people have the same dream, it's written in books that these people are soulmates. But my analysis on that topic is that the persons are just connecting with each other spiritually, therefore giving the other person a little taste of what's going on in their brain. This often happens to people who struggle to open up and really talk openly about certain topics... and as I see it, you being a Virgo, you struggle with opening up... right?" She said after making a bunch of hand gestures, really lecturing us about this whole situation.

-"Well... Yes... Sometimes..??" I told her very confused and with scrunched eyebrows, as I was unsure of my response.

-"Very well... Now if I look over here at mr Pisces... You really like to open up to people. Although even you find obstacles and really try to find excuses not to open up because of previous experiences where you accidentally over shared and ended up hurting in the end! Am I correct?" She asked Wonho as his head was slightly tilted to her right when she was looking at him.

Wonho was somehow finding it hard to get back to reality, being shocked of the accuracy this woman just informed us about.

He got flustered and anxiously yet slightly, wiped his face with his left hand. Then he proceeded to look down onto his shoes.

-"... Yes." A quiet sound was heard out of him after some time of finding himself.

-"I advice you to not be afraid to open up this time! Virgos can be very stubborn and have that leader alike personality... but they are also extremely loyal! You could be their worst enemy and they would never throw you under the bus for anyone in the world. What's shared with them is only shared with them... forever!" The old lady told him with a smile on her face, as she later on turned her head to peak at me.

-"Now, now... what was that dream about?" She finally asked kind of fussed.

-"I dreamed about a handsome, faceless devil. He was waiting for my darkest fears to take over me... he was waiting so patiently, even though he sat on a really uncomfortable chair." I said to her with a terrified look on my face, as if I had awoken from the dead.

Wonho noticed I got scared and decided to take off from there:
-"I, on the other hand had the same dream except that my devil was a handsome woman! In a ruby red dress... made out of velvet!" He said, waiting for an answer very impatiently.

-"I see... usually when you dream about a devil it's not necessarily something negative, even though you'd think it is as the devil is a very powerful and dangerous character in most peoples lives to which he is almost always associated with negative energy and actions." She said looking at us, almost reassuring us that it's fine to have such a dream.

-"And in this case, I assume the both of you are straight... you're just giving me those boring vibes, no offense!" She told us, a bit disgusted, which honestly... I don't even blame her. I can be so boring sometimes it's crazy.

-"Because you dreamed of the devil in opposite genders, dreaming about the devil in general means a big change is coming in life. And that often associates with either you letting go of something that has been holding you back in your life! Or it's an unannounced event in life that will change your whole life perspective." She said with a very serious gaze in her eyes signaling that this is a very serious matter that should be handled with caution.

We were still pretty confused to her answers, but she continued explaining our issues.

-"Now... like I said before. Because you dreamed about the opposite genders I would say that this dream means a partner for life might be coming into your lives. It doesn't have to be in a romantic way, just know that it will be a powerful connection. It's going to be full of loyalty and lots of emotions. You will finally find stability in this connection, which will lead it to be a friendship or potential relationship, for life. Therefore when it appears you have to cherish it!" She said with a little smirk on those wrinkled rosey red lips of hers.

That made me catch a glimpse of Wonho in the corner of my eye, as I noticed he did the same towards me.

We were both pretty nervous about this whole thing... and I quickly felt my blood rush, causing my pulse to raise. I was boiling in that stone cold room... and I could tell he did the same...

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