Chapter 9

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Chapter 9-

"Photo shoot is starting in 20 minutes" a woman in a dress that was fitted quite tight and pushed her breast together, she looked like a right snob..I may be just judging a book by its cover here but what 'photographer' would come dressed like a slut when there's footballers around? I would be dressing nice, not over the top with make up and dresses that showed off the wrong things.

"Ashley do you want a bit of her?" I giggled taking a seat next to Ashley and Oscar. Ashley nudged me and started laughing...I think he though she was fit. I can admit when girls are pretty but she looked like a stuck up whore, not even joking I think she needs to take herself on Snog, Marry, Avoid.

"She's fit" he smiled checking her out, me and Oscar just looked at each other and shook our heads. Ashley obviously went for the slutty girls, Cheryl wasn't though she was actually stunning.

"She obviously hasn't heard of Snog, Marry, Avoid has she." I mumbled, Oscar heard me and started chuckling away with me. Ashley frowned at me and walked off to see Juan, I pulled myself up out of the cushioned chair and followed Ashley into the hallway where Juan and everyone were, I hated being in a room with Olalla and Lorena.

"You alright being around those two?" Juan asked making his way over to me, my heart skipped a beat or two as he just looked perfect like seriously his dress sense was actually spot on, my ideal boyfriend actually.

"Feel...what's the word? Ah yeah, awkward and intimidated" I sighed, Fernando looked up and came over to join me and Juan as well. He didn't like the fact that his wife was giving me a hard time here, I really didn't like the way I get handled over here but I put up with it because I like all the boys and a few of their girlfriends/wives/family, in fact most of them are so down to earth it's unreal, but then there's a few who are total bitches.

"Tell me if Olalla gives you anymore hate or whatever okay? I hate how you feel left out and that because of her, I have told her but she says you're just not her type of girl or something? Take no notice of her honestly" Fernando said patting my shoulder, I smiled and nuzzled his hand.

"Thank you Nando, means a lot" I smiled patting his shoulder with a grin spread on my face, the slut of a photographer woman came strutting down the corridor swaying her hips to each side to grab the boys' attention.

"You's need a friend, girlfriend or wife in the shoot with for the photo's" she smiled coming to a halt outside of the door, she whipped her hair and pushed the door open giving Juan a wink. I looked at Juan and laughed, he obviously didn't like the look of her either.

I imagined posing on a photo shoot with Juan..I had never ever done it before and I'm a model myself but not a slutty model ew no, I'm far from a slut thank you. I entered the photo shooting room and as soon as I saw Olalla and Lorena again I felt awkward as anything, I hated being near them full stop to be honest. Fernando was called over first and I was starting to feel quite nervous, it felt weird doing a casual photo-shoot with Juan because I had never done one before but I guess it was different to what I was used to doing normally. Fernando's shoot was him and Olalla kissing, hugging, he lifted her into the air, they got the two kids involved as well which was quite cute! They lifted Leo and Nora into the air, cuddled them, kissed them, spun them around and just got a picture of the four of them as well. Juan was next..he had to pick two people for the photo shoot with him, he looked around and picked me. I felt a little nervous as I didn't know what I had to do because I wasn't in a relationship with Juan or anything so I didn't really feel like kissing him as it would be quite awkward? They turned the air boasters on so it made my hair fly around, the first shoot was me and Juan hugging but the photographers knew we weren't in a relationship so that was fine. There was constant camera flashes and clicks, we did normal poses and I even sat on his wait on the floor for one shot? Random! There was also shots that were took when I was on Juan's back for a so called 'piggy back' and at the end there was a normal one of me and Juan like there was with Fernando and Olalla.

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