Chapter 19: That definately was a day to remember in Newcastle...

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Chapter 19-

I could hear crying echoing around the room, where was I? The hospital? Why? What even happened? I was lying on a hard horrible bed which only meant one thing, I was at the hospital. My eyes gently flickered my heavy eyes open which were blinded by the lights in the room...Oscar was sat by my bedside with Juan and Ashley, they were all crying which made their poor eyes red and puffy; they were crying over me.

"Lauryn!" Juan gasped noticing my eyes flicker open, he held my cold hand and kissed it gently which was followed by gentle kisses on my small hand by Ashley and Oscar.

"Why am I here?" I slurred after waking up from being unconscious. What was I actually here, what actually happened?

"The nurse is here to explain.." Oscar sighed in his best english possible, he dropped his head into his hands which told me this had something to do with him? No..I couldn't be I can't be? That was 3 and a half months ago! I don't understand?

"I don't understand? My life is ruined!" I sobbed bursting out into tears.

"Lauryn darling, you are 22 nearly 23 I understand? Well we have done some scans and everything on you whilst you were unconscious for a few hours and we have discovered have had a miscarriage. Have you not told anyone you haven't a period for 3 months and have you not realised you had put on just a little bit of weight at all?" A nurse named Susie told me...this couldn't be right. I thought I was just going through an early menopause or something I didn't know what to do, I was too scared incase I had...cancer. You never know, it could start like that. I just can't believe I have just had a miscarriage, I can't believe it. Tears just started pouring from my stinging eyes that had already been through a lot lately but now I had this to deal with, a miscarriage that's going to be plastered all over the papers tomorrow bringing Juan into this probably when in fact me and Juan have never had sex at all. I can admit I've had sex with Oscar in these past 4 months but actually that was about 4 months a go and I've just had sex with Ashley the other day so it can't be him. It had to be Oscar that got me pregnant? I can't blame him though obviously.

"You what? I thought it was normal, I didn't know what to say to anyone or who to tell..." I sobbed into Juan's shoulder, I could've been a mam but no I've just had a fucking miscarriage from stress which was caused by my mam mostly because of her giving me abuse etc etc! I know I may be a little too young for a baby to grow up with just now but if I was pregnant instead of having a miscarriage I would've grabbed this with two hands and tried my hardest, that won't be happening though will it.

"Why didn't you tell Juan?" The nurse asked patting my hand like she would do to a little child of about 5 years old, I was no baby I was a grown woman in her early twenties thank you very much.

"Me and Juan have been going through a hard time recently so I haven't really had the balls to." I mumbled looking at Juan who had a comforting smile on his face. I smiled as he wiped the rolling tears away from my cheeks like a father would do.

"I hear you have a holiday booked for tomorrow with the Chelsea squad then? We can let you go at 7pm tonight luckily enough, we are so sorry Lauryn we tried to save your baby but we just...didn't do it in time" A doctor which was named Dr. Rodriguez stated taking a seat next to my bed with a sheet of paper which looked like details on my miscarriage. I nodded understanding everything, at least they actually tried their hardest to keep my baby alive and that's all I could ask, I was minutes away from being pregnant with an alive baby inside of me but they just didn't get there in time; It was my fault not theirs i was the one carrying it so therefore I had done something wrong for this to happen.

"Don't be sorry, it's probably my fault...I have probably done something to cause this that I don't know of?" I sobbed, it was now getting to me how much I actually want a baby now and the fact that I don't know when I will have one is horrible! It's very painful how close I was.

Theres only Juan Mata..Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora