Chapter 16: The night back in Newcastle.

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Chapter 16-

The train pulled up at Newcastle Central Station, I was finally back home for a night/day! I couldn't believe it! I stepped off the train and onto the platform hand in hand with Ashley as it was pitch black so no one could see us, there is no place like home right?

I saw the homeless people on the streets fast asleep in their sleeping bags on the street alone with no one for Christmas, every time I see one of these when I come back home I always feel sorry for them and sort of get emotional sort of thing? Juan used to think I was just hormonal at the times when I visit here but it's not that, I generally feel like I should help them but there is no way I can help them apart from give them hard-earned money which they go and blow up the walls on booze and drugs. Not all of them are like that though but most of them are, if I could do something about them I would but I can't just pick one up and take one home! After all, they could be anyone!

"My home, I'm fucking home!" I squealed getting several dirty looks from some of the players because of the noise I made and the words I used around their children, I didn't realize in the heat of the moment. "Sorry for the language" I apologized feeling bad.

"It's alright, we understand!" Olalla smiled patting my shoulder, I smiled at her as she actually understood everything. She was being nice to me as well, it was nice to feel liked for a change!

"Thank you Ol" I grinned using her nickname, she frowned and let out a sharp but meanful grin and pulled me into a quick hug, she actually was decent when she wanted to be. It felt weird though because over the year and a half that I've been here she's absolutely hated me for no reason at all but now she knows about my family problems etc. she thinks everything's alright again. I'm not going to turn around and say "what you up to, you used to hate me" because I'm not that sort of person, maybe she actually wants to get along with me as she's sick of all the fighting we used to do. I do give people chances in fact, maybe I'm a bit too soft at times! I get walked on quite a lot as I give people chances all the time so they think they can just start talking to me again normally, I never say anything though because I want to keep the peace! Olalla walked back over to Fernando and Juan, Juan was muttering things to her but I couldn't see what he was saying. Man bitch!

It was freezing on the silent streets of Newcastle at 11:45pm, we were standing around waiting for our coach to come and collect us all and take us to our hotel near the stadium! Ashley was freezing as was I, I'm sure it was going to snow or something it was baltic! I'm sure it was like -5? It was that cold seriously. Maybe I was over exaggerating but I don't know the exact temperature do I, it could be -5 for all we know. Ashley wrapped his arms around my waist as he must've realized that I was getting cold, Ashley was an amazing boyfriend to me...I actually loved him and I didn't expect I would like him as much as I do. I curled my arms around his neck and kissed him quickly so no one spotted us, me and Ashley were planning on telling everyone about us soon but not yet as its a bit early to say much. Ashley pulled me close and looked me in my eyes sending tingles through out my body, I wanted to spend a few minutes kissing him but I couldn't well not here anyway. I pulled away from Ashley and slipped my fingers through his as the coach arrived to escort us to our hotel, I was pleased to step into some warmth for the first time in hours! I sat at the back of the bus next to Ashley but I had to sit next to the window though as I loved sitting there, I have since I was like 5 or something. I still am a child, well I act like it sometimes! I wish I was back at school...when you are there you wish for it to come to an end but when you do actually finish, you wish you were back in the hell-hole. It's way too stressful out in the big world, I'm constantly stressing about work and everything, it's horrible seriously you would rather be doing exams! Well I'm not saying its hard out in the world of work but seriously it's stressful when you get your first job as you don't know what it's going to be like, who the other colleagues are and what they are like but most importantly what your boss is like and what they think of you. Footballers have it easy...well, sort of.

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