Chapter 15: I wish my dad was here to help me out, I would do anything.

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Chapter 15-

I had packed my suitcase for tomorrow and had packed a bag for my day back home in Newcastle with the boys, I packed a fresh bra and knickers, dark-denim high waisted jeans with the gold buttons, a white vest thing that you tucked in and a pair of heels. I also packed for coming home in another onesie but I couldn't forget my make-up bag and straighteners could I! I wouldn't feel right without them! What girl would? I definitely couldn't go out looking like a mess.

I had my hair up in a top knot (hair in a rainbow shape on the top of your head, well it was like a slinky.) and had my giraffe onesie on with my ugg boots on, I didn't care what I looked like because all the girls were going in their pajamas! It's not like we were dressing to impress was it? I heard the beep of Ashley's car, he was here on time! Juan had left just before with his sister Paula, she was also going to watch the match. Juan just didn't care about me anymore, he had 'passed caring' apparently. I heard him telling Paula before they left, tears came to my eyes at the fact Juan had gotten over me and didn't want anything to do with me again or for a while anyway. Did it hurt? Of course it did, it felt like I had just been stabbed in the heart. Worst feeling ever knowing you aren't cared about off your bestest friend in the world seriously, it was horrible. I wish I could rewind time and forgive Juan instead of being vain and wanting him to prove himself to me. I regret most things I do in my life and one of them had to be breaking up with Oscar- I only did it because I felt like he was hiding something from me and that I thought he was seeing someone else behind my back. I thought this because he wasn't around me much and was acting suspiciously but really he was planning on getting engaged with me, I found this out a month or so later though! I had many photos of us in my photo album and most of the photos brung terms to my eyes, it was just memories and stuff and I do miss him actually I miss him a lot but time goes on and people change so you just have to put up with it and bring yourself to reality really. Me and Ashley were kind of 'boyfriend & girlfriend', I liked that actually. Ashley and Lauryn, boyfriend & girlfriend. Perfect! I was smiling at this thought and hopped down the steep stairs and out the door with everything I needed, Ashley was sat waiting in his car with the window down and smiling as usual. I threw my bags into the boot with Ashley's and hopped into the front with him, I leaned and kissed him cheek gently before clicking my seatbelt into the slot.

"You look like a...giraffe" Ashley laughed starting up the car.

"And you look like Ashley Cole, hmm" I giggled pulling out my phone and tweeting 'in the car to Cobham then we are off to Newcastle! Rest In Peace Daddy, I love you millions&billions, you are with the angels in the best place. 6 years without you has felt like forever, I love you unconditionally<3 #inspiration' I got over 500,000 retweets and favorites as loads of celebrities and footballers retweeted the tweet and did some of their own as well, unreal! I also tweeted 'thanks for all the support beautifuls, means everything x' before slipping my phone into my pocket again, we had arrived at Cobham but the bus hadn't arrived yet. We left the bags in the car until the bus came and went into where everyone was waiting, the bus was due for 7:45pm and it was only 7:30pm now so we didn't have that long to wait.

"Lauryn did you shag Ashley?" Olalla confronted me smiling friendly, I shook my head lying to her. Who's been saying this? "I'm only joking babe, I was only testing you!" I sighed with relief and wiped my brow, Ashley was looking at the floor not knowing what to do or say. She pulled me into a hug actually being nice to me, I hugged her back feeling weird because no one has accepted me here until now?

"I thought you were being serious" I giggled taking nervous glimpses at Ashley who was currently biting his nails.

"I'll see you's soon" she smiled walking away, me and Ashley just glanced at each other and started giggling in relief! I actually thought she had found out somehow! Imagine if she had? That would be embarrassing? If she had found out, she must've been stalking me! But she was joking so its alright.

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