Chapter 25: The stars are coming out tonight...

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Chapter 25-

The door bell rang, Fernando and Olalla had arrived at our apartment. I had been on meals before with Juan but they weren't just me and him, Juan had taken me out on several meals with his parents and his family before when we were in Spain last year, it had to be the best food that had ever touched my lips it was beautiful. Olalla looked lovely, her and Fernando were a perfect couple...they were such good parents as well, Leo and Nora were the cutest kids you could ever meet. They draw you little pictures, give you cuddles..everything! Obviously the pictures weren't the best pictures you had seen but honestly they were so thoughtful bless them!

"You look stunning" Olalla smiled admiring my dress, Fernando stood by her side and was nodding agreeing with her even though it was his wife he should be complimenting and not me. If Olalla had caught him she probably would've kicked off or something like she used to do, Olalla had changed her attitude towards me thought but I have a feeling it's only because she feels sorry for me.

"Thanks babe, you too" I smiled receiving a little kiss on the cheek by Olalla, is that was Spanish people do? Well I know Juan and Fernando do that but I have never seen a girl kiss another girl on the cheek with exceptions to lesbians of course! "Juan hasn't saw me yet, he's been rushing around to get ready himself!" I grinned.

"Are you trying to catch his eye?" Olalla giggled winking at me making my cheeks heat up, maybe I was trying to impress him...maybe I was starting to want him more and more by the day. I couldn't get hurt again, not for about the millionth time. "She's blushing! She's blushing!" she laughed making my cheeks heat up more, great one, Olalla now knew I liked Juan. Fantastic!

Juan came out of the bedroom in his suit looking beautiful, he sure smelled it too! It smelt like he was wearing 'One Million: Paco Rabanne', Juan loved that aftershave so he always wears it. Juan asked Fernando for a photo so Olalla took it, Juan also got a photo of me and him then one of him and Olalla. Fernando asked Juan to take a photo of him and Olalla for him so that he could upload it to Instagram to show all the Chelsea supporters what they had been doing in Barbados. I checked Juan's Instagram on my phone and noticed that he had quickly logged into it on his iPad and posted the photo of me and him straight away with the following caption:

Out for a meal tonight with Lauryn, Fernando and Olalla! This is me and Lauryn as you can see, #beautiful. Have a safe night where ever you's are going, hugs Juan. #bestfriends #love #relationship #Barbados #meal #romantic.

I immediately clicked the like button and stared to scroll down the comments:


So that's where you's are going whilst we are having a takeaway in Franks apartment;) #GEEZERS


Can't wait it's going to be great! @DavidLuiz_4

(User 156)

She's beautiful, you've got a keeper Juan, me likey! #love

(User 128)

Have an amazing night Juan, I doubt you'll still be single soon;), don't let it spoil you on the pitch though! We need your magic!

(User 389)

You are handsome Juan, have an amazing night but use Durex LOLOL;)! Don't let it affect your ability on the pitch though, lots of love x

I decided to post a comment on his comment feed as well to see if he would actually reply:

@juanmatagarcia yaaaay Juan, can't wait! and NO we will not be needing Durex haha:P @User389, we're best friends! don't believe what you see in the papers hunny:*! xx

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