Chapter 12: I guess our 6 year friendship meant nothing to you, typical!

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Chapter 12-

I flung my front door open, Ashley and Oscar were going to Ashley's house for a few cans...everyone was drinking? I wasn't even going to even sniff a glass of Takila, I'm not drinking not after today's events...Juan was sat on the couch with his head in hands, I stood at the doorway just staring at him to see if he even cared that I was there.

"Yes?" Juan snapped looking up at me and shaking his head, he stood up and came walking towards me his eyes red and a little puffy which told me he had been crying! What could've gone wrong in his perfect life eh? Lost a quid at Fernando's? Idiot.

"Don't Juan" I croaked, Juan froze and his eyes filled up with tears, what was he doing?

"I'm sorry" he mumbled his poor eyes full of tears, I had the urge to just pull him into a hug but I had to learn him a lesson..I wasn't going to be soft anymore. I let people walk all over me a lot and from now it's a new beginning, the Lauryn you know now wont be the Lauryn you know in a months time it's time to change.

"No Juan, sorry is just a word anyone can say it, it means nothing" I rose my voice at him and just burst out into tears, Juan had made me feel like shit on his shoe these past few months and I've taken him back, it was almost as if I was his 'sidekick'. Like he had another girl to hang around with and cuddle up to maybe even more than that to be honest, Juan could be hiding something from me that I don't know about? It's either that or it's his time of the month, Juan obviously has man periods by the way his moods change constantly.

"It does mean something especially when I'm saying it to you, I really mean it" he sobbed taking hold of my hand but I snatched it away, I'm not that girl anymore.

"If you really mean it then why do I hear it often from you eh? If you really meant it the first time you said it, I wouldn't of heard any more of it..but no, you don't really mean it do you!" I shouted running up the flight of stairs and into the spare room, I threw myself into bed and burst into tears. Why did Juan always have to let me down, I thought we were 'best friends'? Obviously not.

I wrapped myself in my blanket and wiped away my tears with the fleece blanket that had someone gotten into my bed, it was just a plain black thing from Asda..yes Juan did buy it from Asda surprisingly, just because he's a famous and rich footballer doesn't mean he doesn't shop at places like Asda. Actually, what's wrong with shopping at Asda? It's not that bad, it's actually alright. What's the point paying £5 for something at Waitrose or wherever when you can get something from Asda for £1? It's a recession you know and you can't afford to pay quite a lot for something when you can get it a lot cheaper somewhere else, you never know, one day you might need that £2 you saved you just never know!

My phone buzzed on my bedside, I checked it but almost got blinded by the bright light it made my eyes sting but I blinked a few times and got used to it, the text was from Ashley..

From: Ashley

-you&juan alright, juan said you were crying or something?x

To: Ashley

-if i was crying do you think i would be alright? well here you go: me and Juan have fallen out and as you know my grandmas on her last legs...yes I'm alright.

From: Ashley

-calm down then, no need to react like that is there?x

To: Ashley

-no, i'm sorry x x

From: Ashley

-it's alright, I understand your girl problems:-)x x

To: Ashley

-Ash, i am not on my period you idiot..i wouldn't of did what i did with you if i was-.- x x

From: Ashley

-oh yeaaah, i forget you know=D x x

To: Ashley

-clearly, you idiot aw hehe ly really:* x x

From: Ashley

-cute, i'm going to sleep, goodnight:) x x x

To: Ashley

-night x

I threw my phone onto my bedside table, I hated sleeping in here all alone as it brung back memories from when I used to sleep alone at my dad's house...why couldn't I bring my dad back? He didn't deserve to be taken away from his family, why my dad? The woman that was driving that lorry wants to hope I never come across her, I know who she is so I'll recognise her if I see her out and about. Laura Slater is her name, old whore. What was she even doing driving when there was a red light, she basically murdered my dad..I don't care if it was accidental or not, she was driving over a red light and my dad would be the one to be caught in the crash and be the one to leave all his family behind forever. Why couldn't it of been her instead? She was the one in the wrong, she only got 2 year in prison, should've gotten more but no she didn't did she.

My phone started ringing, why couldn't people just leave me alone for once in my life? At times like this everyone was wanting to speak to me or see me, why couldn't they leave it until later?

It was Ashley, I thought he was going to bed?

"Yes?" I sighed sniffing up and wiping my eyes.

"Juan said you won't stop crying?" Ashley yawned down the phone, he sounded hot when he was tired.

"I don't want to talk about it Ashley" I snapped again, "I'm sorry!"

"It's alright I understand why you're like this so I can take it, do you want me to come around and see you?" He asked, I heard Oscar in the background laughing at what sounded like the beginning of American Pie, the first one ever made.

"Ashley what are you watching, it sounds disgusting? And I don't know, no actually I might come around to yours if I can't sleep" I yawned rubbing my eyes, I don't think it was American Pie..I think it was something else, Ashley watching that sort of stuff? Disgusting man!

"Oh it's err...nothing! And you should, we'll be here if you want to come over" Ashley laughed down the phone, yeah it's definitely not American Pie.

"FaceTime my iPad" I giggled, I heard Ashley say something about someone being beautiful to Oscar, probably some girl he's with? Must be.

"I can't, I need to go to sleep for the match tomorrow" Ashley yawned again, he said that like 20 minutes ago though. Another one I can't trust then isn't it?

"Okay then, night" I sighed turning my light off ready for bed, I was shattered but just couldn't settle with everything that was going on at the moment, Ashley just hung up on me without saying goodnight or anything..another one who's on their man period.

-sorry this chapter isn't very good, only took me half an hour but i had to rush it because i'm going to my the next few chapters on Sunday:-)x

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