Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-

"You alright now?" Ashley asked as a made myself comfortable on a cushioned 'L' seat in the corner of the nightclub 'Pacha' which wasn't as busy as usual tonight thankfully.

"So I'm just meant to forget everything am I? Really?" I snapped at Ashley, he looked taken a back and frowned at me. "Sorry I snapped.."

"Well no but...I'm sorry, for like leaving you when I'm around Olalla and everyone okay?" Ashley smiled, it wasn't really him that I was annoyed with, it was Juan. He had left me to hang around with Lorena yet again, it was just me, Ashley, Natascha and Eden on a table by ourselves but the only reason people were hanging around with me was because they felt sorry for me. I didn't want attention. I wasn't bothered if I had to sit in the corner of the nightclub by myself, I would rather be away from people who were only with me because they felt sorry for me to be honest.

"Ashley it's alright! It's not you that's bothering me though, it more Juan, Olalla and all the rest who single me out all the time! Olalla's only trying to be nice to me because they feel sorry for me after what happened to my dad and how I don't really talk to my family and that, in fact Juan isn't talking to me at all. I'm a brick wall apparently." I sighed. Ashley slipped his arm around my back and shuffled me closer to him.

"You aren't a brick wall, oh look they're coming over!" Ashley whispered as they all came and sat around our table. Lorena and Juan came and deliberately sat next to me just to wind me up or mock me or whatever they feel like doing to hurt me some more. My eyes filled up with tears once again and a lot of people noticed as they were staring at me with concerned looks on their faces, Olalla had her head down feeling like it was her that had mad me upset well, it was her but it wasn't just Olalla that had. I saw Lorena look at me from the corner of my eye, she smirked and kissed Juan on the cheek doing it on purpose to wind me up again. I sat with my back to Lorena and felt a sharp nudge in the lower part of my back, it felt like she had just sighed something into my was aching.

"It's rude to turn your back on people you know!" She glared, I started laughing.

"It's rude to nudge people in the back you know? Oh yeah and it's rude to leave people out as well, did you not know that either?" I laughed rolling my eyes at her, she glared at me again and looked at Juan who gave me a dirty look. I raised my eyebrows at him, got up and walked off from everyone as I just wanted to go home well back to Newcastle anyway where I belonged. I looked back and I saw Ashley following me, he was kind of running as well. I pushed the nightclub door open and burst out in tears. Ashley didn't say a word and just pulled me into a hug, he knew not to talk to me at this moment of time.

I heard the door open but I didn't open my eyes to check, I just felt more warm arms wrapped around me..I felt little whiskers against my cheek and at that point I knew it was Juan. I squeezed him even tighter than ever, he was just holding me there not saying anything at all as that was the right thing to do at the moment. I felt his hand wipe away the tears that were falling from my eyes off my cheeks with tissue well it felt like tissue anyways! He kissed me on the cheek and just held me there in his arms to calm me down, I actually deteste Lorena as she's a little evil, sly bitch who does anything to upset/make someone jealous. It's happened about a million times before and I don't even know why it's bothered me so much this time around? It might be because I have never liked Juan as much as this before? Yes I think it might be but then again I'm getting older now so my feelings towards someone will grow by the second because I've know him ages, and when you're that close to someone you start to like them in another way which makes you feel like you aren't meant to. I opened my eyes and it was Juan that I was hugging fortunately, his breath was tickling my ear lobe but I wasn't going to say as I just wanted to stay in this position with him forever. I had calmed down now all because of Juan, he knew how to calm me down in fact he was the only one that knew how to do it properly actually.

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