Chapter 22: A drunken mess.

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Chapter 22-

I was absolutely wrecked and I mean absolutely wrecked. I was drinking Vodka by itself that's how pissed John and everyone had gotten me, they just kept giving me loads of random drinks which I drank without a care in the world! I wasn't the only one like that though, Olalla, Natascha, Paula (her and Christine had decided to give the party a go), Ash, Lucas and Fernando were. Everything was just a blur, I couldn't see straight.

"Lauryn come on, you need to go to bed" Juan laughed patting my back in the pool, I was a drunken mess at he side of the pool waiting for Eden because I wanted him real bad. I always got like this when I have had a lot to drink, I also became quite aggressive after a while as well.

"Am..I..fuck, I need..Eden's...cock" I slurred trying to get my words out, Juan just stood and laughed at me and walked away in a heap, he knew not to mess with me when I had drank a lot which was very rare! It only happened on holiday and that's it.

I unclipped my bikini bra and threw it at Juan, leaving me in just my bikini bottoms with my tits out. I was such as idiot when I was drunk, what was I even doing? I was an absolute mess!

"Lauryn what you doing?" John laughed handing me my bikini top which I slipped back on again, I was being a drunken idiot and making a right fool of myself. Juan just walked away over to Frank, he had seen enough of my drunken attitude I think?

"I don't know...Eden you look different?" I slurred not seeing straight at all, I was mistaking John for Eden now, I was an absolute drunken dickhead! A mess in fact!

"It's John Lauryn, Eden is over there, go to your apartment please you are absolutely off your rocker.nMy fault though, I shouldn't of given you all that Vodka." John sighed lifting me out of the pool, I stood up and stumbled against the wall before seeing straight and walking off gingerly to my hotel room.

"Tell Eden I'll be waiting for him in his room" I shouted, everyone heard as well, I heard laughing and whistling but I managed to crawl up the stairs which came out opposite our apartment. I kicked the door open and stumbled in slamming it behind me, I pushed myself along the walls and into Eden's shared room. No one was in because there was someone shagging in Juan's room where I sleep, it was Natascha and Ashley apparently...

I sprawled myself over Eden's bed and lay there waiting for him to burst through the door and get him into me as quickly as possible, I had no idea what was wrong with me tonight but its certainly not the way I usually am when I am drunk. I was horny, very horny in fact and all that was on my mind was the D? Too much Vodka gets me like that which I why I tend to avoid it if I can. I was still in my soaking bikini waiting for Eden, I needed Eden inside of me and that was final. He promised me, where was he? It was getting too much for me to handle, where was Eden like he promised? I was too drunk to even think about moving, I wasn't searching for him so I would just have to lie here in my soaking wet bikini and wait for him whilst I develop pneumonia.

The bedroom door was gently shut and I noticed it was Eden who looked quite sober but he had still drank a lot from what I can remember..

"Eden, I want you" I groaned starfished on his bed.

"No Lauryn we can't tonight, you're too pissed!" Eden sighed picking me up from his bed and holding me like a baby, I started to kick my legs but Eden was too strong for it to affect him so I gave up and started crying instead; mascara running down my mess of a face. "Lauryn don't, stop it! Don't cry!" He said wiping the falling black tears from my drunken face.

"No one cares...I mean fuck all to anyone...I'm better off alone" I slurred not even knowing what I was talking about, I didn't even have a reason to back any of that. I was just making things up and causing trouble because I was drunk. Eden placed me in Juan's bed which was empty, Juan was still down in the pool partying...I needed Juan to calm me down. He was never around me when I needed him because I always have a go at him before I need him so he wants time alone to calm down, I always spoil things.

Theres only Juan Mata..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن