Chapter 13: I'm sorry? Its only a word, anyone can say it.

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Chapter 13-

My phone was ringing which woke me up at 9:45am. Seriously, I couldn't even have a lie in once in a while! I checked who was ringing me at this time of the morning, it was Fernando. Fernando? What could Fernando want? He never rings me, he always rings Juan?

"Hello?" I croaked my just-woken-up voice escaping straight through the knot in my throat, I didn't want Fernando feeling bad about waking me up..he's cute.

"It's Fernando" he said spraying himself with deodorant, I could hear it down the phone- Fernando was so random! Since when had we rang each other? We text once ins while but Fernando was also one of my closest friends at Chelsea FC, him and Juan are like brothers so I've known them both years, I've known Juan longer though as I had only met Nando a year later at a bar in Spain where Juan asked me to go and meet him once. The first time I met Nando I fell in love with his messy blonde hair but that sort of died off the more I visited Juan. "Is Juan going to training today?" He asked me his sweet Spanish accent noticeable in his good English.

"I'm not sure ring him up" I yawned staring at a photo of me and Juan blue-tacked to my poster wall from when I had just moved in here with Juan, it was almost like a collage.

"I will in a moment, I was going to ask you about what happened last night between you and Juan because he was crying his eyes out at my place before he left, I was concerned as he said it was something to do with you?" Fernando sighed.

"Well I text him back saying I was at the hospital with my grandma as she's on her last legs but when I had came home we argued again" I said a knot forming in my throat again, I loved Juan and falling out with him had to be one of the worst feelings ever knowing that one day he may not want me back..

"You and Juan are like yoyo's you know? I heard Lorena telling him something before he checked his phone though which made him shed a few tears then, I heard what she said i think but you'll have to ask Juan to know what she actually said as I'm not 100% positive" he replied. Lorena had been bullshitting again? Makes a change from Olalla doing it. I wasn't talking to Juan though so I couldn't ask him what she had said to him, whatever she said about me she needs to start to realise that rumours can spread very quickly about her as I know a few secrets about her that no one will want to know trust me.

"Just tell me what you thought she said, I need to know Nando" I swallowed, imagine if she had found out about me and and Ashley? If she had she must've been doing some stalking last night then mustn't she? Anyways, Juan wouldn't cry over that.

"Something like you were leaving because of him or something? Is that true?" Fernando asked, what a lying bitch though? Since when I had ever told her I was leaving in fact when have I ever told anyone I was leaving? She's making stuff up to come between me and Juan again! What have I done so bad to her to make her want to split me and Juan up for good? Juan is basically all I'll have in a month or so's time once my grandma passes away, the tumour is growing rapidly which is scary because I don't know what I'll do once my grandmas gone, she's like my mam actually. She's one in a million that woman!

"No it's not true, she had Juan crying over that, what the fuck?" I said starting to cry, Juan had been crying thinking that I actually was leaving because of him when really I wasn't even leaving at all! "I'm not even leaving, where did she get this from?"

"I don't know Lauryn, she's quite sly...Olalla can be like that sometimes which is one of the things I hate! I tell her to stop it yet she still goes and does it, annoying" Fernando mumbled. I heard Juan open his bedroom door as quiet as he could then wander out onto the landing, I heard him close the bathroom door with a grunt. I hated knowing that Juan was upset even if we had fallen out or whatever, I can be quite harsh on Juan sometimes but sorry is just a word, anyone can say it and it doesn't mean anything if you have to say it a lot.

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