Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

We beat the rush hour traffic and got to the bridge dead on 9:30, okay it took a little longer than usual but whatever, you can't really tell how long it's gonna take for you to get there as the traffic in London varies and is normally a nightmare which is another reason for why we like coming early to be honest.

"At last" Juan sighed getting out of the car and slamming the door shut, I got out at the other side and followed Juan to the dressing room but I wasn't allowed in when all the players were getting changed for obvious reasons. They need privacy like us girls you know and plus the majority of them have girlfriends or wives so their girlfriends/wives wouldn't be too happy if another woman was watching their man get changed though would they? Well I definitely wouldn't be unless that's just me.

"I know" I yawned walking side by side with Juan, for some reason I got the urge to slip my fingers through his like a couple would do. I don't know what's going on with me at the moment but I seriously have a growing crush on Juan.

"Juan! Lauryn! Wait up for god sake!" Ashley Cole laughed jogging up to us giving me a cheeky grin and a wink.

"Ashley you're here early for a change?" I smiled. Ashley usually came with Gary Cahill but Gary Cahill wouldn't be here until about 1:30pm because he was in hospital with his girlfriend, she was getting her second scan as she was pregnant!

"I know" he yawned, everyone was tired as it was a Sunday. At least I wasn't playing out on a football pitch in the cold, I'll be sat in the box where all the players friends and family sit to watch the match in the warmth in luxury. Beautiful!

"Oi, Juan's girlfriend!" Some fans shouted running towards me, I wasn't called 'oi' and plus i wasn't Juan's girlfriend.

"I am not his girlfriend.." I said awkwardly, a grin spread on their faces. I sighed, they were like 18 or something and they were sort of fangirling - fanboying if you like - over me like what even? I wasn't used to this at all.

"'re hot though..erm, can we have a picture?" The taller boy asked, I blushed a little at these teenagers calling me hot. I let out a little laugh and took pictures with each of the drooling boys who were so cute bless them, they then turned to Juan and Ash for a picture and a little chat with their idols.

"Yous take care around here" Juan called after them after having five chat with the three teenagers, I caught back up to Juan and Ash finally entering the stadium around the back where only the players and family can enter.

"Lauryn has teenagers thinking she's hot!" Ashley laughed winding me up. He knew i got embarrassed over it because it kind of made me sound like some sort of topless model that all the teenage boys these days look at day in day out. I have did a topless modelling shoot before but it was at the start of the year, it's embarrassing doing all these dodgy sexual poses in fact it's just totally wrong.

"Oh my god, don't make me sound like a stripper.." I giggled hitting Ashley softly on his arm.

"Well you did do a topless photo shoot remember so basically you are a stripper, in a way.." Ashley grinned laughing but he was just winding me up. He wouldn't go that far to upset me, he knows i hated every single second of it but he seems to think I enjoyed posing with my boobs out to everyone.

"I hated it. It's so uncomfortable doing poses with no bra on like seriously, I had to stand with my boobs out and do all these poses for men to pleasure themselves over..just completely wrong. How would you like doing a photo shoot with your penis out in front of people that had to print them into magazines? Oh and for women to well you get the picture" I sighed my head in my hands embarrassed. Juan never talked about things like that with me, he got a little embarrassed when you mentioned the word sex bless him. Juan isn't one of those people who brag about their sex/personal life and that's what I love about him.

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