Chapter 11: If i lose my grandma, i dont know what i'll do.

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Chapter 11-

"What the fuck!" I said with a tear rolling down my face, I dropped my phone on the floor and buried my head in my beautiful grandma was the only family member I actually saw regularly and if she goes I'll have no one at all. My mam doesn't care about me, Juan is drifting away from me I basically have no one! Ashley slipped on his boxers and rolled over the bed, snaking his warm-blooded arms around my naked waist, he had placed my bra and knickers next to me as I cried on his shoulder like we were in an actual relationship. Actually I think I would give me and Ashley a try but I wouldn't take anything seriously? I just need a relationship and someone to make me feel welcome and that, I actually don't have many people to rely on at all actually!

"What's happened?" Ashley asked against my neck, I just let the tears stream down my face as right now I didn't know what to do. I didn't know where my grandma was and the most important of all I didn't even know what was wrong with her! It annoyed me a lot as no one had even bothered to tell me, I can't read minds, I am definitely not psychic! It made me look like I didn't even care about her but actually my grandma means the absolute world to me and if she goes I don't know what i'd do, my mam doesn't talk to me and neither does my sisters because my life is so fantastic like that you see.

I handed Ashley my phone so he could read the message because I didn't have the strength to actually tell him myself, it would be much easier for him to just read it off my phone anyway. I slipped on my knickers and bra again so I wasn't sat naked while Ashley was sat in just his boxers, it was quite awkward. Ashley didn't say anything and handed me my phone, he kissed my neck and handed me my clothes, right now I couldn't care less what I was wearing and in fact I would go to the hospital in just a dressing gown if I had to. My grandma needed me and I needed her, she's one in a million.

"Put them on, were going to the nearest hospital, she's there your sister said" Ashley panicked slipping on his clothes as fast as he could, I jumped up fully dressed this time and ran down the stairs with Ashley eager to get to the hospital as fast as possible. We slammed the door an climbed into Ashley's car, my phone was buzzing and it was Oscar ringing me. What could he possible want at this precise moment? I groaned as I answered the phone, he seemed a bit flustered!

"Oscar?" I said down the phone, Ashley was going at 40mph..I pulled my seatbelt over my head and clicked it into the slot. Ashley was concentrating on the busy typical London road that lay ahead of us, I noticed where we were..we were on our way to pick Oscar up before making our way to the hospital, seriously? My grandma is on her last legs apparently and you're going to pick Oscar up?

"Hello er...I forgot what I was going to say" he yawned. I sighed and closed my eyes praying that my grandma was alright, why did no one tell me? They set me up I'm sure so that I had no family that I talked to often! They had done this on purpose, they had probably told my grandma that they had told me and I wasn't bothered or something, that's what they are like.

"Hurry up Oscar please" I whispered, my voice breaking as I was nearly in tears again. Everything bad happened to me though, it's like there was a curse on me? That's what it feels like seriously!

"I am, I'm coming out my house now I'll talk to you in the car, bye" Oscar sighed hanging up on me like I had done something wrong, do men have periods now? Apparently so.

Oscar climbed into the back of the car with his eyes looking red and puffy, he had been crying. Why had he been crying? Well...Oscar did love my grandma as well from when we were seeing each other for quite a while, he used to take me down and see her a lot but then again something could've happened to someone in his family? Oscar isn't really one of those to go parading through the streets of London with a megaphone shouting at the top of his voice his business, he's quite private about his personal life like Juan which was weird. I guess my type was the quieter boys!

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