chapter 23//lie to me

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"look here." the emergency doctor said, examining Niall's cognitive function. he had been loopy ever since Harry punched the shit out of him. Niall lazily looks up at the doctor's finger and follows it as he moves it around. he's also holding a flashlight into Niall's eyes.

"you never seem to fail to amaze me Payne. you and your boys have been here so many times, i'm starting to wonder if you can even handle the home." the doctor says sarcastically.

Liam rolled his eyes.

"is there anything wrong with him? can you just tell me that?"

"come look." the doctor allows Liam to stare into Niall's eyes with him. he shines the light. only one of Niall's pupils dilates with it. Liam sighs.

"he's concussed."


Liam rubs his temples in frustration. Harry sinks into his chair beside Zayn, observing it all. he's so dead. he's so guilty.

"i'm prescribing some pain killers for now. nothing much to do but monitor him. it isn't that severe, at least he didn't lose consciousness. he may have headaches and be in confusion for a bit but if his symptoms worsen, bring him right back. symptoms such as vomiting, slurred speech, or convulsions." the doctor says writing down notes.

"convulsions?" Louis asked worriedly. Zayn reaches over and holds his arm. Louis hated seeing Zayn in that state, he didn't want to see Niall like that as well.

"it's unlikely. Niall is doing very good. he's just a little dazed right now, in la la land if you will. now let's look at his nose."

the doctor puts his hands on Niall's nose to examine it. the younger boy flinches and tries to fight off the doctor touching his nose but Liam holds him down.

"thankfully, it's not broken. just bruised. he might develop a black eye on his right side. if not, both eyes."

"can he go to sleep tonight?" Liam asked.

"i would say yes, let him rest. but i recommend checking in on him once an hour at around the same time." the doctor said.

Liam's face falls. he never gets proper sleep. Harry feels terrible. the consequences of his actions are not only affecting him, but the people he cares about.

"pick up his meds out front." the doctor shortly said before exiting the room. Liam should be mad at Harry for making one of his colleagues doubt him, but he doesn't. he simply helps Niall stand up and tells the boys to walk with him. it makes Harry feel worse. he wishes Liam would just yell at him like he deserves.

"lads, wait here." Liam sits Niall down and goes off to flag down another doctor. Louis recognizes her. Dr. Lee.

Harry watches Liam talk to this woman. he stares. Liam notices his stare and leads her away from the boys view.

"i have to use the bathroom." Harry tells Zayn as he stands up.

"do you want me to go with you?" Zayn asked.


"okay, hurry back. i'm timing you so don't think of doing anything stupid."

"anything else stupid." Louis mutters. Niall chuckles but it sounds more like a gurgle on his own spit. concussed mess. Louis wipes his mouth.

"your existence is stupid." Harry hears Zayn snap at Louis and realizes that he's caused a rift in Zayn's and Louis' once settled differences. he shakes it off once he finds Liam and Dr. Lee. he waits by the corner of the hallway, so that he can hear their conversation. he just knows they're talking about him.

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