chapter 3//the group home boys

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Dr. Payne flipped through Louis's file and read his diagnosis.

"okay, it appears here Louis has anorexia nervosa with bulimic tendencies. that's very common in young men." Dr. Payne said. Louis looked over at his family and could see some of them beginning to cry.

"i understand this must be scary for your family Louis, does anyone want to tell Louis why they are scared?"

"i'm just worried to lose my oldest son... i don't know how i can protect him any longer when i allowed this disease to hurt him." Johannah cried and wiped her tears.

"i have this under control." Louis reminded everyone.

"is that true that you made yourself throw up your lunch today Louis? was that the most recent occasion of purging?" Dr. Payne asked.

Louis looked over at Cherry, who was crying her eyes out.

"you promised." Louis said, his voice cracking.

"Louis, i was scared." Cherry cried.

"Louis, your friend did something completely selfless. she saved your life." Dr. Payne reminded Louis.

"what do you know?! she's the reason i am here!"

"Louis.. you are the reason you are here." Dr. Payne said.

Louis gapped but couldn't say anything else. he didn't know what to say.

"it says here you are just over 7 stone, which not only is very underweight, but this weight was taken almost a month ago."


"so this could possibly be under 7 stone, you could possibly be 6 now."

Louis started to trail off in thought while Dr. Payne allowed the rest of his family to speak. he couldn't really hear what they were saying anyway.

"we've exercised every choice we have. now that Louis's habits have followed him to school, there's no telling if he'd still be alive if we didn't consider the home." Dr. Lee said.

"i'm not going to die?!" Louis said.

"you could've Louis! let's say you pushed your limit and forced yourself to throw up so much that you passed out? perhaps your head could've fallen in the toilet and you drown in your own vomit and toilet water. this is serious. you need to acknowledge it Louis." Dr. Lee said.

Louis got quiet again.

"Dr. Payne is the owner of a very successful boys group home that helps young boys through their eating disorder. they go to one on one therapy, school, group, and monitored at all times with strict eating and bathroom schedules." Dr. Lee explained.

"what like i'm a fucking toddler?" Louis laughed sarcastically.

"Louis, you refused to do this on your own at home, this is our only hope." Johannah whispered trying to calm her son down.

"Louis, i can assure you that the boys at the group home are lovely individuals. it isn't like myself and the nurses are breathing down your neck. we just guide you in the right directions." Dr. Payne smiled.

"you can't force me to go. i'm over 18." Louis said.

"no one is forcing you but unfortunately your mental state is enough for a legal guardian to sign your legal rights away. this is between life and death at this point."

Louis eyes widen. that test that the doctors gave him last appointment, was a mental evaluation. he failed.

"you tricked me! why is everyone tricking me!?" he yelled and jumped out of his seat.

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