chapter 22/meet me in the hallway

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tensions were high.

Harry hasn't slept in literal days.

he's not even exaggerating.

during the night times, he just tosses and turns. he stares at Zayn and watches him sleep like he always used to. he hadn't done it recently. he watches as the angelic man sleeps, his baby smooth face smushed up against his arm. he snores slightly if his arm covers his nose. his chest always rises and falls so dramatically. you would think he's having a bad dream everytime, when in reality, he's just a very heavy sleeper.

if he especially cannot sleep at night, he gets up and watches his old lover sleep. Louis. like Harry had mentioned before, watching Louis sleep is so much different than Zayn. because Harry can't help but feel this fiery pit of desire and passion grow in his belly when he watches Louis. tonight, Louis is not snoring, but his lips are in a tight thin line. Harry imagines that he must be having a stressful sleep. there's a lot on his mind, Harry is sure. getting a job is not easy. Louis recently told everyone in group that Liam once told him to become a doctor. and he was thinking of pursuing that dream. with the help of Liam and his unlimited connections, Louis can land a secretary job at a hospital. and soon, apply for university and medical school. Harry wants to lay next to Louis, and hold him. Louis hardly mutters a word to Harry anymore. if he's not spending all his time with Niall, he's spending it with Liam.

before Harry can go back to his room, he watches Niall for a bit. he's more chaotic. his mouth is dropped wide open as his face is smushed against his pillow. he has drool coming out of the corner of his mouth. funny enough, he's not snoring. usually, his snores are kitten like. but he's silent. Harry rolls his eyes and walks back to his room.

he lays back down, and stares at the ceiling until the light shines through the blinds, and the alarm is ringing for weigh ins.

Zayn yawns and sits up to rub the sleep from his eyes. he leans over and grabs a hoodie to put it over his bare chest.

"good morning." he yawns. Harry doesn't respond, he only gets up and puts his bathrobe on.

he waits behind for Zayn, who is now leaning over to grab his cane. his gait is improving. he hardly needs that thing anymore, but every morning, his body is stiff and it hurts him to move. he has to just power through it and wait until the day passes with the pain. when it first started happening, Liam called for a specialist to visit the home and examine Zayn. turns out, Zayn just needed more physical therapy. the specialist explained to Liam that Zayn being young and stubborn can lead to him not wanting to accept help. and that hinders him from recovering. if Zayn ever wants to get better, he's going to have to admit that he needs assistance. Liam forces him to go to physical therapy twice a week with him at the hospital. he's gone all day and Harry gets lonely.  Harry feels bad. sometimes. then he remembers he shouldn't feel bad. Niall should. it is all his fault after all. Harry doesn't really believe that but he thinks Niall deserves to be punished since he's so damn mean.

everyone's quiet at weigh ins. things have been tense since Niall and Harry's fall out. another common occurrence. the two younger boys always fought but something felt different this time around. the other boys weren't trying to mediate and help out. instead, they were taking sides. the group of four was slowly being divided. with Louis mostly taking Niall's side.

at breakfast, Liam tells Niall that he has orientation ceremonies at the boarding school for all applicants. he forces the boy upstairs to quickly change into nicer clothes. Niall groans and jogs upstairs. he also tells Zayn that he's going to physical therapy so Liam can schedule an MRI to be done, to ensure theres no further nerve damage. Liam's paranoid. Harry chews his cereal slowly and sinks into his chair. a whole day alone with Louis? he dares to look over. Louis doesn't look up, he's just mushing a banana on his plate. he hasn't played with his food in a while. odd.

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