chapter 11//Harry's Introduction

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⚠️ CAUTION!!! very touchy and sensitive topics will be present in the following chapter. please read at your own discretion⚠️

Louis stirred in his sleep as he heard the floorboards creek from footsteps outside his room. he wasn't in a deep sleep anyway so his eyes pop open and he sits up. it looks like Harry's bed has a lump in it so he gets up to investigate quietly. he peers into his and Niall's shared room and watches as Niall is spread across his bed knocked out. Zayn is also cuddled into Louis' sheets, his chest slowly going up and down with his shallow breathing.

"hm.." Louis hums in confusion. he peers at the nightstand clock and sees that it's 3 in the morning, Liam isn't due to wake up for another 3 hours.

Louis walks into his shared room with Niall and looks under Niall's bed for the baseball bat he kept there. he's not sure why Niall owns a baseball bat, he doesn't even play.

Louis grips the bat tightly and slowly makes his way downstairs. the kitchen and living room are empty. Louis let's out a scared little shriek when he sees Harry sitting on the porch swing, staring up to the sky. he swore he was in bed?

Louis leaves the bat by the door and walks outside, startling Harry.

"Jesus Lou, i thought you were Liam." Harry sighs and focuses on the twinkling stars.

"why are you out here?" Louis asked as he took a seat next to Harry.

"couldn't sleep... did you know that if a star isn't twinkling in the sky, that means it's really a planet? i bet that ones jupiter." Harry said as he points upwards towards a non-blinking star.

"why couldn't you sleep Harry?" Louis asked, not necessarily ignoring Harry's statement, just wanting to get to the bottom of this.

"emotions, like you said. what a day." Harry shrugged.

"i'm sorry Harry, i shouldn't have let you go to bed confused like that. or to live in confusion for this long, in fact." Louis frowned. he wrapped an arm around Harry and pulled him close.

"let's talk now." Louis whispered into Harry's curls and it sent shivers down his spine.

"what did it mean Louis? i mean you did it twice, and i know you've been talking to Zayn and Niall about it. about how you're not gay. but you don't talk to me about it." Harry frowns now too.

"oh love, i'm sorry. i was being stupid. in denial even. i'm not gay, i'm really not but you... you're different than anyone i've ever met. you make me actually want to live this life God damned to me. your lips send electricity all throughout my bones... i really do care about you Harry. dare i say it, but i feel like i might love you." Louis says before he can even think it through. he knows he has a strong feeling towards Harry. would he call it love? he's not sure, but he just did.

Harry's eyes glisten.

he snuggles into Louis' chest.

"i think i might love you too Lou... no matter if it's romantic or platonic, i just know i love you." Harry sighs a breath of relief, for he's no longer confused.

"can i ask you something now?" Louis said.

Harry nodded.

"where's your family?"

Harry bit his lip. where could he possibly begin this long, sad, pathetic tale. well, from the beginning he supposes.

"okay... i'll tell you Louis, because i trust you." Harry looked up to meet Louis' eyes.

"only Liam knows the full story, Zayn knows a bit. i was advised not to tell Niall too much, he's too sensitive."

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat. he was nervous for what he had in store.

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