chapter 4/Niall's Introduction

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dinner was excruciatingly dense. Mom prepared mash and steak with gravy sauce. Zayn tells Louis it's Niall's favorite. but the boy doesn't eat anything. he just stares at nothing the whole dinner. even though Harry is sitting directly in front of him, it's like his eyes are looking beyond him. Harry is mashing the mash all over the plate, making it look spread out and eaten. "smart boy" Louis thinks to himself, but he's positive it's not fooling Liam. Zayn also isn't too hungry for dinner. he feels guilty, so he let's Mom pour a vanilla ensure over a cup of ice and he drinks it through a straw. Louis stares down at his own plate. he nibbled on a piece of steak but only to suck the grease and juice from it. Niall's plate was empty and Liam and Mom were looking at him, and then at each other, and then at him. it wasn't normal for him to not eat ANYTHING. although he does get in his moods, they never last this long. he never skips two meals in a row. Louis has yet to apologize, for he doesn't know what to say.

Zayn and Louis clean up the kitchen and dishes again after everyone has finished eating. or "eating." they also work in silence. not a single peep from either boy, not even to fight. they both feel a bit ashamed of themselves.

"goodnight." Zayn says to Louis as he climbs up the stairs to his and Harry's shared room. Louis doesn't say anything back but he watches as the light flickers off. neither room has a door, besides the bathroom, so he can see what is going on in every room. he knows Harry has gone to bed at this point. and he knows Niall is outside, sitting with Mom on the swing. they've been out there for a while but Louis doesn't think they've been doing much talking.

Louis yawns as he stalks up the stairs to his shared room and is dreading the extra amount of work he's going to have to do to set up his portion of the room. he gasps when he sees that the bed is made with fresh sheets. they're light blue and the comforter is black, with a single light blue strip at the end. his pillow also looks new and fluffed. he looks at his bags stacked nicely on top of each other, and his shoes are placed under his bed. the drawers are all open slightly, waiting to have things put into them.

"Niall did all that you know." Liam said, appearing suddenly. Louis snapped around and saw the doctor leaning against the door frame, smiling.

"what?" Louis asks in disbelief. he was certain after what he had said, that the irish one would throw his things out the window or light them on fire.

"i told you, he was excited for you to move in. doesn't like sleeping alone. his old partner Ed was discharged about 2 weeks ago now." Liam smiled and Louis sat on the bed, taking in the smell of the freshly washed sheets.

"he made sure your sheets were washed and your bed made. he put your things like that so unpacking and settling would be easier on you."

"i'm a real dick head aren't i?" Louis groaned and rubbed his face.

"no, i think you're scared and frustrated. heck, they all are. sometimes we say things we don't mean, doesn't mean Niall isn't forgiving. apologize to him." Liam said rubbing Louis' shoulders. Louis calms himself down at the man's grip.

"right." he said simply and Liam winks and disappears into his own room.

a couple moments later, Niall appears and enters their room after he has brushed his teeth. he kicks off his shoes and ditches his day clothes for some pajamas. he's too afraid to look at Louis, and there's no where to hide, so he prays Louis doesn't look at his body.

"Niall?" Louis asked and Niall sat on the bed, looking up at the older boy reluctantly.

"do you mind if i sit next to you?" Louis asked and the boy just shrugs.

Louis sits down next to the boy and Niall still refuses to look in his eyes.

"i'm incredibly sorry about what i said to you. i really didn't mean it. you're not a pig. you are the kindest person i've ever met. i'm happy to be your roommate. i think i was just being stupid because i'm actually.. very jealous of you." Louis whispers the last part and Niall finally turns over to look at him. he couldn't have possibly heard that right.

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