chapter 5//intoxicating Lou

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the sound of a rather large alarm bell screams all around the house. at first, it causes Louis' stomach to drop, but his eyes are still closed, he's far too tired to care.

finally, he realizes the alarm won't stop so he sits up in bed and rubs the sleep from his eyes. he looks up to see Niall also sitting up. The blond boy stretches, and let's out a kitten like yawn before he gets up and opens the curtains. the sunlight hits Louis in the face. Louis leans over to check the time on the clock by his bed and sees that it is barely 7. he doesn't even get up this early for school.

"Niall?" Louis said, and he's not sure why it comes out as a question.

"yes Louis?" Niall answers, while slipping on his house shoes and robe.

"why was that alarm going off? why are we awake so early?"

"Liam has us on a strict schedule. no oversleeping, at least on weekdays. they're the busiest. we gotta get to the bathroom hallway, daily weigh ins." Niall explains as he waits for Louis to get himself ready. Louis decides to stay in his socks and put a hoodie over his bare chest. he barely realized how hot it gets in this house. he had to strip off his shirt in the middle of the night.

"it's rather warm eh?" Niall says, it was like he was reading Louis' mind.

"why's that?"

"Harry gets dangerously cold sometimes, it's worse when he's asleep. Liam has to turn up the temp every night before bed so his teeth don't chatter all night."

The two boys walk to the hallway of the bathroom and Zayn and Harry are waiting. Harry is wrapped in his blanket still. He smiles at Louis softly. Louis doesn't return the smile so Harry looks away, rather sadly.

"Harry?" Mom asks and he disappears with her in the bathroom to do weigh ins.

"Sleep good?" Zayn whispers into Niall's hair as he hugs him close. Niall simply nods. Louis stands there, kind of awkwardly.

Harry doesn't look too happy when he walks out of the bathroom. he races downstairs and most likely into the kitchen for breakfast. Zayn and Niall get weighed and finally Mom calls in Louis.

"wait here hunny." she says and leaves Louis in the bathroom momentarily. she makes sure to leave the door open. a couple seconds later, Liam walks in and shuts the door.

"why are you in here?"

"I do initial weigh ins when you first get admitted. for my records." Liam smiles and sets his clipboard on the sink. he does a routine check on Louis. not too in depth but just enough to make Louis nervous. he checks his fingernails, teeth, throat.

"can you remove the hoodie?" Liam asks suddenly. Louis shakes his head violently.

"don't worry Lou, i just need to check your back."

Louis is hesitant, but he pulls off the hoodie. it's cold in the bathroom.

Liam runs his fingers down Louis' spine and writes something down quickly.

"avid exerciser?" Liam asked.


"there is bruises on your back. Dr. Lee failed to mention this to me. you do sit ups?"

"it keeps me healthy."

"you say that a lot." Liam smiles slightly.

Louis shrugs.

"you should stop. not only is it not getting you anywhere, excessive bruising can make it harder for you to do daily activities. especially when they are right on your spine."

bag of bones // one direction // zianourryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang