chapter 2/the new doctor

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school was not fun for Louis. it is an institution where kids physically and mentally abuse him and no one would give a shit. it had been 3 weeks since his last doctors appointment and he managed to ditch his ensure drinks in the trash can every morning at school but breakfast was hard sometimes. his mum grew suspicious that Louis hadn't gained any weight in these three weeks if he truly was drinking his shakes and eating his meals. every morning, his mum would put a bowl of oatmeal, eggs and bacon, or cereal and a banana in front of him.

eggs and bacon were easy. he'd shovel a big piece of egg in his mouth to hide and then cut up the rest of his food to make it look eaten. oatmeal was the trickiest. it was messy and noticeable. it would clump and wet the napkin if he tried to hide it. he was forced to eat most of it but he didn't mind because at school, there were these bathrooms under the staircase in the health building that no one ever went into. he could easily throw up his breakfast in there unnoticed.

cereal was alright. he would just sip the milk and let the cereal mush up and pile at the bottom.

his mum always made sure his ensure drinks went with him to school. she had him drink one at school and one before or after dinner. he would just dump it out in the sink or throw it away in the trash can after his mum witnessed him take a few sips.

lunch time at school was a breeze. he loved getting so much food on his plate, just to play with it and throw it all away. Louis didn't have much friends because he scared people with how fragile and skinny he was. Louis didn't see this but his cheekbones were so sunken in and his eyes had dark bags under them, even if he slept a normal amount.

"extra chips please." Louis smiled at the lunch lady and they never argued with him on portions. in fact, he knows that they always give him an extra serving of everything because everyone is aware of his disorder. he smiled and grabbed a chocolate milk and an apple juice from the fridge. he sat down at a table with one other person. A girl named Cherry. Cherry was nice to Louis. He used to sit alone at the cafeteria but when Cherry moved to his school last year, she knew he could use a friend. she didn't let her other friends sit around Louis because he would get anxious and refuse to eat around so many people. she didn't know that he would just go throw up the food after he would eat it.

"woah Tommo, you must be hungry." Cherry said looking at Louis plate overfilling with food.

"yeah, i didn't get a chance to have breakfast, overslept." Louis laughed and automatically began to cut his food up. today was a plate full of chips, beans, and fried chicken. he also had chocolate pudding and his two drinks.

Cherry smiled and dug into her cheeseburger. Louis smiled meekly.

"you know you don't have to sit with me all the time at lunch, what about samantha and jason and all them?" Louis asked putting two chips in his mouth. they were crispy but at the same time extra potatoey. he had to fake eat in front of Cherry to avoid suspicion. Cherry was head of the ladies football team and she became pretty popular the minute she moved to this high school.

"they can enjoy lunch without me, i wouldn't enjoy it with you." Cherry smiled.

They talked for 30 minutes of the lunch period before Cherry noticed Louis only ate a couple more chips and the skin of his fried chicken.

"are you going to finish?" Cherry asked looking at her already finished lunch. She hadn't realized that this whole time they were talking, Louis wasn't eating as much as she thought he was.

"of course." Louis said trying not to let his nerves get the better of him.

he cut up some chicken and mixed it with beans before eating it up. he felt sick. it tasted good but he knew it was going to make him gain weight rather quickly. after two more bites, he declared himself done.

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