chapter 8/harry the great

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Harry is screaming bloody murder.

he wants the tube gone.

it's 3:30 in the morning.

this is the third morning in a row.

Louis is quick to wake up to the screams. he's tangled in his sheets and almost falls down, but catches himself before he could hit the ground. Niall sits up in bed, he's frightened out of his sleep, but he's so exhausted from losing sleep to Harry.

"Harry??" he says worriedly.

"go back to bed." Louis shushes Niall and assures him that he will go check on Harry alone this time. Louis runs to Harry's bedroom, Liam isn't too far behind. Zayn is in the room, holding down Harry's arms so he doesn't pull at the tube again. Harry's gagging because he's tried to pull the tube out and since he doesn't know what he's doing, that can get very painful. it's quite an ugly sight. Harry's gagging gets worse, and Zayn knows what's going to happen. he mentally thanks god Niall isn't around to witness the purging but he's a little afraid that Louis has to witness it instead. he prays Louis can be strong.

"Louis, the trash can please!" Zayn yells and Louis quickly scrambles to get the tiny trash can in the room. he holds it up to Harry's face and Liam replaces Zayn by holding down Harry's kicking legs and thrashing arms. Zayn stabilizes Harry's head and holds back his hair as Harry starts vomiting into the trash can. thankfully, the vomit just consists of Harry's undigested feeding formula, so Louis doesn't think much of it. he's more worried for Harry than he is for the possibility of getting triggered. Harry keeps coughing but is too weak to keep fighting and just plops his head on his pillow. Zayn helps Liam by holding onto to Harry's arms still anyway, just in case.

Liam comes around and looks at the labeled point of the tube. when he was discharged from the hospital, the nurses marked the tube by Harry's nostril with a sharpie. this way, Liam could tell when Harry's been messing with it. Liam sees that Harry has pulled out the tube about 9 inches.

"Harry, please stay calm, okay?" he says and puts on some gloves and holds Harry's forehead with a firm, but comforting grip. he puts the tube back in place, Harry coughs a lot and his face is a bright pink color. Liam tapes the tube back to Harry's cheek.

"you need to stop this behavior. look at the boys, they have not slept in days. i know it's uncomfortable Harry, but it's not forever." Liam said. Zayn grabs a towel and wipes off Harry's sweat dampened forehead. Zayn rubs his own forehead in frustration. he's completely drained. Louis walks into Zayn and Harry's shared restroom and comes back with a cup of mouthwash. Harry smiles gently and swishes it before spitting it into the trash can. he lays back down.

"why don't you try and sleep in a spare bedroom tonight Zayn." Liam suggests once the three of them are outside the room. Harry has slipped back into sleep. Louis is convinced Harry's anxiety has skyrocketed and these freak outs wake him up to the real nightmare. the reality of a tube that's coming out of his nose.

"i can't leave Harry." Zayn mutters as Liam checks in on Niall. he has also gone back to sleep.

"take my bed, i'll sleep with Harry tonight." Louis suggested. Zayn and Liam seem puzzled at the offer.

"are you sure?" Zayn asked.

"yeah.. look at you. you look like crap."

Zayn rolled his eyes so far back you could see just the whites of them.


Liam smiled a very tired smile and thanks the two older boys for being civil and caring for Harry. he then walks back to his own room. Zayn goes into Louis' room and gets comfortable in his sheets. Louis rubs his face and walks into Harry's room. he looks at Harry and Harry is actually looking back at him. his heart nearly stops in fear. he jumps back. Harry giggles.

bag of bones // one direction // zianourryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora