chapter 9//turning point

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"how could you not tell us anything!"

"Harry, you selfish idiot, i can't lose you!"

"he could've died and we would've never known he was suffering!"

Zayn, Louis, and Niall let Liam and Harry have it at group. they're confused and frustrated. Liam swore up and down that Harry was getting better, so why was he on suicide watch? why tube him if that could've been used to kill himself?

"boys, calm down now!" Liam raises his voice at the boys. Harry is sitting near him, tears flowing down his cheeks. he doesn't want his friends to be angry with him.

"Harry is not going to die! he's getting better, he's making progress. and i don't ever want to hear any of you shame any other person here for their journey." Liam says sternly. he lets out a sigh when the boys are now quiet.

"we were just worried Liam, we didn't know Harry was suicidal again.." Niall says sadly.

"sometimes when people have to walk away from something bad in their lives, they want to go back to the bad thing over and over. because it's comfortable, it's what they're used it. it's the known." Liam explains gently.

"it's apart of the healing process. how about we all share a moment in our lives where we wanted to go back to a thing that made us comfortable, but wasn't good for us. so we can show Harry he's not alone. wouldn't that make us all feel better?" Liam suggests.

Zayn speaks up first.

"i was in another home before this one, they took me in when i first OD'd. that's where i got these." Zayn lifts up his sleeves to expose his needle pricks again. the eczema is going away now, but the red little dots still pepper his skin angrily.

"the guys there weren't my friends, and they had someone sneak in some H. i never had heroin before, but i thought any fix is good enough for me. they punctured most of the veins in my left arm, and the stuff they were buying wasn't premium shit or anything, it fucked me up forever. when the docs of the house found out i was using, they kicked me to the curb, by then, i was already hooked. then Liam found me, and i've been here ever since. i'd be lying to you lads if i said i never think about shooting up anymore. i think about it religiously actually." Zayn sighs and rubs his eyes. he's crying.

"i'm sorry Zayn." Harry whispers.

"there's no need to apologize Harry." Zayn reassures him.

"how did you change?" Harry asked timidly.

"i met people i cared about, and who cared about me.." Zayn trails off. he hasn't felt like he's changed at all actually.

"well, if i'm being honest, i haven't changed at all. i want to change. like seriously this time." Zayn admits. Liam flashes him a bright smile.

"i want to change too." Harry whispered softly.

"tell them Harry." Liam nudged.

"i'm getting my tube removed next week." Harry says gently.

the three boys are super excited. Niall jumps up and embraces Harry in a hug. Zayn quickly joins. and Louis, oh passive Louis, couldn't control himself any longer. he ran over to the boys and hugged them. they all started to cry with each other, holding each other in tight grips.

it was empowering,



it was a breaking point.

the overwhelming relief each boy felt knowing Harry was going to get better. that he wasn't going to die and become nothing but a memory. now it just meant that they, too, had to be strong. and change.

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