chapter 16/fights with Liam

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hospitals are scary.

Louis seems to have forgotten that.

he didn't think he'd have to be here again. in a cream colored waiting room with sick and injured kids with two boys that he's sought to take care of, while they wait for their friend who may or may not be dying.

he never truly realized how selfish an eating disorder was until he felt angry with Zayn. angry that Zayn would do something that could've killed him. Louis couldn't imagine a world without Zayn and it made him angry that he overdosed and nearly died. now he kind of understood why his family was always so uptight about his eating disorder and behavior. it was because it was selfish to give someone a burden of fear and sadness over losing you to yourself.

Louis quickly had to snap himself out of his trance as he forces Harry and Niall into the house.

"wait here." he informs the two younger boys and they nod.

Louis rushes upstairs and grabs a clean pair of sweats and a t shirt for Niall and three hoodies to shield them from the cold night. Niall's pajamas had gotten stained when he attempted to pick up Zayn's body, and Louis knew how traumatized he already was.

"here." he whispers. it's deadly silent. by this time, Niall stopped crying because he's run out of tears and almost made himself vomit again. Harry is in shock, his eyes are fixed ahead of him. he's staring at nothing.

"arms up." he tells Niall and quickly changes him out of his dirty clothes and into fresh ones. he then grabs pillows and blankets for the boys, he has no idea how long they'll be at the hospital.

currently, all three boys are sitting in the emergency room waiting room. Harry is knocked out on one of the longer chairs and Niall is fidgeting in his seat next to Louis. Louis knows he won't be getting any sleep any time soon. the staff of the hospital only let Liam in the room with Zayn, and Mom had to just drop the boys off and leave them by themselves because it was the middle of the night and she needed to be home. it wasn't long before Zayn's mom showed up to the hospital too. the three boys weren't allowed in until they got the okay from the doctors and then a mental evaluation from Liam to ensure it was okay for them to see Zayn.

"how long did you know?" Louis asked Niall.

"two weeks maybe... i don't remember."

"you didn't think to tell Liam?"

"he made me promise not to Louis! said bad things would happen to him if i did. now i feel even fucking worse that i didn't, so please don't give me more shit." Niall sighed as he rubs his temples. Louis pulls the small boy into a hug.

"i know, i'm sorry. it's not your fault." he whispers and Niall starts sobbing again.

"he could've died because of me."

"no, no. that's not true. but if we ever see Nathan again, i'll fucking kill him."

hospitals also smell weird.

it's now currently hour 3 with no update from a doctor or Liam. it's also 6 in the morning. by now, Niall has fallen asleep with Harry. Louis stays up to watch over them.

Liam suddenly comes out and Louis ponders waking up the boys. they've been through so much. he leaves them and walks to Liam. Liam has since changed out of his pajamas for his usual hospital attire and lab coat. he must have extras here.

"is he okay?" Louis asked nervously bitting the nubs of his fingernails.

"don't bite your nails. and he's stabilized for now. still hasn't woken up, so there's no telling how much damage was caused to the brain, if any. he's intubated currently, since he stopped breathing for a bit. but as soon as they take it out, you boys will be able to visit."

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