chapter 17//see you later!

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the boys follow behind Liam closely, they all hated hospitals so much, and it was the first time they were all in one together.

Niall gets sidetracked as he sees a brightly lit gift shop right before the elevator.

"wait, Liam?" Niall asked.

"hmm?" Liam hummed turning around before he could press the up button for the elevator.

"how many lucky points will it cost for me to buy a bouquet of flowers for Zayn?" Niall asked. Liam smiled softly, he liked when the boys used their points for others rather than themselves.

"hm.. none. how about i buy them for you." Liam walks in and all three boys pick out the perfect bouquet of pink and yellow lilies and tiny white baby breaths. Liam quickly paid and all the boys agreed to let Niall hold the flowers and give them to Zayn.

they all pile into the lift, anxiety making the air thick.

"now lads.." Liam starts as the elevator starts slowly lifting them up to the 7th floor.

"Zayn is going to look very sick. he has tubes all over his body to help with different things like breathing, and giving him medicines, and checking his heart activity. it might look scary seeing Zayn like this, but i know you all can be brave for him."

they solemnly nodded and Harry wraps his arms tightly around Louis' arm, holding him close in fear. Niall clenches the flowers tightly, as if they'd be snatched out of his hands and into thin air.

the unit they transferred Zayn to is called post critical care, or something like that. basically, a unit in the hospital where they send people who don't need emergency care anymore, but are still kind of messed up and need further monitoring. apparently, that includes a 17 year old druggie who just overdosed in his group home.

Liam leads the boys into a room with a big door that is open. they quietly walk in and see Zayn sitting in bed, flipping through the hospitals tv channels. he's muttering to himself about the shitty shows they have on.

"Zayn? you have visitors." Liam chirps and Zayn turns his head over slowly and sees the boys standing there. what a sight. he has a tube in his nose for oxygen and 2 different IV tubes in his arms. he also has this giant monitor with wires attached to his chest that is monitoring his heart.

"hi." Zayn sheepishly says, since the boys are standing there like deer in headlights.

"Zayn!" Niall said happily. he's the first one to move from their waiting position as he races to Zayn, carefully hugging him as tightly as he could.

"careful." Liam reminds them but Zayn doesn't care. he wraps his arms around Niall and returns the hug just as tight. he soon hears Niall's sobbing and pulls away quickly to look at him.

"don't cry."

"i'm sorry Zayn. you're in here because of me. you look so sick, none of this would be happening to you if i just convinced you to get help." Niall can't control his tears.

"hey, hey, hey." Zayn shushed him as his wipes his friend's tears away.

"no one is at fault here but me. i forced you to keep this terrible secret because i knew you would be a great friend and actually listen to me. it was wrong to take advantage of you like that, and i'm sorry."

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