chapter 26/house party

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"this is it.

i can't believe this is really happening.."

⚠️ caution: the following chapter has a scene of purging, examples of domestic violence, and innuendos of sex, some may find it triggering or mature, read with discretion ⚠️


"i'll pick you up tomorrow morning, at exactly 8 in the morning." liam explained to harry as he handed harry his sleep over backpack that was slung over his own shoulder. what a dad. harry enjoyed it. he hasn't had a true parent since he was 9.

"okay." harry nodded as he puts his backpack on his own shoulder and grabs the two macca bags of burgers and fries liam has bought for him and louis. mostly louis because mc donald's is his favorite.

louis just moved into his new apartment.

his family helped move in most of stuff but he needs to settle in and liam volunteered harry to help him for the whole day and night. to harry's surprise, louis accepted harry's help and agreed to have him spend the night.

"you two be safe. and take your medicine." liam smiled and harry nodded before rushing into the apartment front lobby. it wasn't the nicest place there was and it definitely wasn't at the heart of downtown like harry once envisioned living in with louis and zayn and niall.

"buzzing in for tomlinson." harry said at the front desk and the lady working nodded before sending a buzz up for louis to know someone was here to see him.

"he accepted your request, feel free to enter through that door over there once you hear a little click. that means it's unlocked. louis' apartment is 413B." the woman explained.

harry nodded again and rushes inside. he takes the lift to the fourth floor. he knocks on louis' door and waits a couple seconds before someone opens the door. but it's not louis. it's a girl. not one of his sisters, he's met all of them. this girl has curly brown hair and smooth brown skin. she's cute.

"harry? right?" the girl asked and her voice is soft and sweet. like chocolate.

"yeah? uh where's louis? and who are you?"

"oh, i'm louis' friend from high school! i'm cherry." she said extending her hand for harry to shake. harry looks at her with pleading eyes, for his hands are full and he can't shake hands just yet.

"oh right, let me help you!" she quickly takes the food from harry's hands and places it on the table and then ushers harry inside.

"hi." harry says and finally reaches his hand out for that handshake.

"hello. i've heard a lot about you harry."


"yes! louis has talked my ear off about you and niall and zayn and liam since he was able to get his own cell phone back." cherry explained.

"oh... what kind of name is cherry anyway?" harry asked slightly confused.

"my real name is charlene. i hate it though, so everyone just calls me cherry." she smiled.

"oh." harry nods in understanding. charlene sounds like an old person's name. or a stripper.

"yeah, pretty coo coo huh?"

"coo coo?" harry said with a confused frown. cherry nods, understanding that harry is the one who hardly had any normal socialization besides the people who lived in the house with him.

"yeah, kinda like crazy. like in the head." she explains and makes a silly face and twirling her finger at the side of her head, indicating a crazy person, that causes harry to giggle.

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