chapter 15//call for an ambulance

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⚠️ caution : sensitive material in the following chapter, a bit graphic, triggering ⚠️

Nathan was sick and tired of this home.

he hated all the boys, especially Louis.

he was busting out. soon. he knew it was only days until he would be reported again for breaking probation. after Zayn reported to him that Niall caught him a couple nights back, Nathan knew he was bound to get busted.

but he wouldn't be leaving just yet.

not without one more little gift for Zayn.

the stress of keeping a secret that big was seriously weighing on Niall's head. it affected him more than he thought. he slowly started slipping into a binge habit when he got too stressed or anxious over Zayn. Liam took notice and brought it up during their one on one.

"is there any particular reason why you're..excessively eating, Niall?" Liam asked. he tried to avoid using the word binge in order not to frighten the kid, but it was a big word to dance around.

"i'm very hungry." Niall felt his stomach do backflips. he hated lying almost as much as he hated stupid secrets. and he especially hated lying to Liam.

"i feel like you boys underestimate how much i know." Liam prodded at Niall. no way. there's no way he knows about Zayn using again.

"what ever could you mean?"

"i'm always monitoring your habits and reactions. you've eaten almost 1,000 more calories than what we recommended and also agreed upon. why?"

"stressed.." Niall slowly let out, he too was trying to find a way to avoid the Zayn thing to slip out.

"over what?"

"i'm not sure.... i think i worry for the boys too much." Niall frowns.

"what's wrong with the boys?"

"i wish i could always protect them.." Niall said quietly. he felt like he could cry at any moment.

"we can't always protect the ones we love. we have to let them live their lives and make decisions for themselves. don't you trust that they're going to do the right thing?"

"y-yeah." Niall choked out, now, he was fully crying.

Liam frowned. it killed him to see any of the boys  upset. he quickly dug into his desk and pulled out a box of tissues.

"now, now. no more crying." he cooed as he walked around and wipes the tears from Niall's face.

"tell me Niall, why don't you trust them?" Liam asked as he kneeled down to be eye level with a sitting Niall. it sounded more like a command though.

"i told you i did."

"yes, right after you started bawling. what is it that you want me to know?"

Niall could tell that Liam was serious. when he looked up and saw Liam's soft, brown, and comforting eyes, he wanted nothing more than to spill his guts.

but he decided that his promise to Zayn was way more important than anything Liam could do to punish Zayn.

he was convinced that he was helping Zayn. and he rather the burden and pain be on himself than any of his friends.

"getting better is tough." Niall breathed out.

"very tough. but your improvement over the last couple of months have been astonishing. if i were a betting man, i'd bet on a full recovery and similar discharge dates." Liam smiled and took his seat again.

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