oneshot: Lanzhan you do like me right?

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"Lanzhan! lanzhan! wait for me"

"wont you leave him alone! you know he don't like you!

"acheng! dont be mean! lanzhan is my Zhiji! your just jealous!"

"jealous? pshh! I think he just tolerate you because you have been annoying for 6 plus years!" ask him!"

"ugh! fine I will ask him!

running towards school building, waving to the already waiting lanzhan. weiying met lanzhan when he and parents first moved to Shanghai from Beijing. being a new kid in school was already hard, but attempting the impossible was weiyings family motto. by the end of the school day he had made friends with most his class mates except his desk mate. The most beautiful male he had ever seen.

resting his hands on lanzhan shoulder to catch his breath, weiying smile charming at him, "give me a minute lanzhan, I want to ask you a question".
                  school bells rings.

" ahh shit sorry lanzhan! let's meet up at our spot and than I will ask you ok? you look as handsome as you do each day."

"mn" see you later weiying. "weiying wants to ask me a question, what does he want to know? does he know I like him? does he like me? have anyone told him anything? brother? sushe? or xue yang?

lanzhan couldn't concentrate on his course work in class, anticipation and curiosity was killing him. and he couldnt stop looking at the time on the clock. As soon as the school bell ring dismissal for the day, lanzhan walked as fast as he could with out breaking sect rule, arriving first at he and weiying special spot, a small creek located in the back of the school building. couple minutes later, follows footsteps and voice calling "lanzhan! lanzhan!"


" weiying am here". giving weiying a bottle of water to drink after running. carrying extra bottle of water, hand towels  and ointment for bruises has become a habit after befriending and falling in love with this madness of a person call weiying.

"lanzhan! takes care of me as always."


"ahhh lanzhan you are really the best you know.


"umm? lanzhan? isn't it beautiful? the scenery? I can't believe its been so long. "

" mn"weiying wanted to ask me a question?

"uh? a question?


"ahhh yes , first question first than, scratching back his head, lanzhan, I know the answer to this so please just indulge me."


"lanzhan? you do like me right? you dont find me to be a nuisance, and you don't hate it when I tease you right?"

"weiying? wha.... ts...wrong? did someone say something?"

"lanzhan please"

"umm I like weiying, weiying is not a nuisance and he's not annoying".

"ahhh, exclaiming after taking in a deep breath, okay! yay! great ahcheng can suck it!"


" ahh right so you see acheng, nei hausiang and I had a sleep over last night and we had a truth or dare and they sorta dare me to tell you I have a crush on you,


"and I was scared of telling you before you know ruinning our friendship,


"and ahcheng is always saying that you hate me and it also add to my insecurities. like what if he's right? what if you don't want to talk to me again, shaking head, I dont even want to think about it."

lanzhan steps infront of weiying, raises his hands to face, places hand on cheek, "weiying!"

"ahh yes lanzhan! sorry i... I was running my mouth again uh? what did you want to say.

"weiying had a sleep over with hausiang and acheng? "

"umm yes lanzhan? we been doing that for years! we even sleep on the same bed.

"weiying has been sleeping on the same bed with hausiang and ahcheng?"for years? can't control clenching of knuckles and left eye twich.

"ahh well ye..ssss??

"weiying has a crush on me? weiying likes me? weiying scare i wont want to be friends anymore?"

"umm! yes lanzhan! weiying is really scare! your the best! your my favourite person ever! I want to graduate with you, go to college with you, get an apartment, maybe get a pet or two, cant be dogs though, maybe a rabbit? right lan gege? a rabbit will be good right?"

"weiying?" cradling weiying face in his hands,
titlting head, "yes lanzhan"??

"I want everything with weiying too, I want to graduate with weiying, get an apartment, than a house after I marry weiying.

whos crying and laughing at the same time? well its weiying! hitting lanzhan weakly against his chest, "lanzhan! why! why didn't you tell me sooner! ugh! you got me scared for no reason!

"mhmm, sorry! was scared weiying wouldn't like me, be friends with me, weiying had a gf before.

"gf? what gf? no lanzhan! ahhh your so cute!"

"mian mian"?

"mian mian?

"Ahh mian mian  wasn't my gf I just teased her a little. I haven't had my first kiss yet at all".

"mn? thinking a bit before smashing his lips to weiying, lips hes always fantasize about was now a reality and it was better, it was the best.

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