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Later that day in the dorm:

"Hey xiao, I wrote my rules have you written yours?"

"No. I havent but let me see yours"

"ok .here is mines."

"no talking while eating, always keep an arm length distance, no loud noise and sleeps at 9pm. after reading the rules xiao sat down on his bed, and stare at yibo. after a while " wow I broke all of them already"!

"hmm" "you didnt know"

"still". "wait"


"can I sleep with you though?"


"on your bed. You see I have really bad nightmares at night and I havent been able to sleep for more than two hours straight in the last five years except for last night".

"oh? "why?"

"I dont know but I have slept with Nie and cousins but I still couldn't sleep but with you I slept so well".

"do you want to talk about it your nightmares?

"ahh no not yet, besides I just met you"

"but you want to sleep with me?"

"how can I not? you are sexy and beautiful! probbly the hottest on campus right now". "if the girls found out I am sleeping with you on the same bed they will probbly kill me".

"girls? what girls?"

"dont tell me you havent notice? I thought I was attractive and all the girls had me in their heart, but you show up it's like I dont exist anymore"

"you like that attention?

"-dont tell me you dont" ," except your a monk".

"I dont"!

"wow! "your a better human then". "thank you for allowing me to change topic. I am going to go take a quick shower and come sleep with you."


"after returning from taking a shower xiao grabs his pillow from his bed and waited for yibo to return while sitting on yibo bed".

after waiting awhile xiao fell at sleep hugging his pillow.

upon returning yibo, sigh as he see xiao hugging his pillow on his bed. why do you tempt me so? I am trying to resist you. your talking about girls do you know your attention is all I seek?

Yibo arrange xiao on the bed facing the wall while he settle in to sleep.

at 5am yibo wakes up to start his day and found that he couldnt move, xiao this time was clinging onto him. his arms was wrapped around his waist, his legs covering his own and not to forget his head that was laying on his chest, with drool sucking his shirt.

laughing at the audacity of xiao, "xiao! xiao! get up"

"hmmm? five more minutes yibo babbyyy"

"yibo baby??? still trying to move xiao off of him removing his hands that's wrapped around him.

"yibooooo"!, pressing move into him hugging him tight, "please dont move five more minutes I promise"

having no choose but to yet again be a bed, yibo lay still allowing xiao his five minutes of sleep, unintentionally he himself fell at sleep.

"two hours later yibo awoken again to find a still sleeping xiao, still on his chest, and his shirt is now soaked of xiao drool. "Xiao"!!! wake up!!!

"hmmm five more minutes!"

"xiao its 7am! I got to get ready for school!

"xiao jumps offf the bed, 7am?? yibo!!! am going to be late why didnt you wake me up!"

"I did. you stated "five more minutes yibo baby" than proceeded to sleep for another two hours straight!"

"am sorry yibo". "yibo? why is your shirt so wet?"

"my shirt? you dont know? you should ask your mouth!!! do you think am your sleeping bag now?"

"my mouth? omo. aigoo am sorry yiboo!!"

"shaking his head, yibo left to go to the restroom to get ready for classes.

"after returning yibo found xiao waiting for him. " ain't you going to class? go get ready!"

"yibo"! can you come home  with me this weekend?" "I will probbly stay at nie tonight"

"hmm? why?"

"we are going out drinking after classes." "do you want to come?"


"but can you come with me please yibo? I wont be able to sleep tonight as it is, but to wait for another two nights before I can sleep with you again am petrified just thinking about it."

" I will think about it"

"please! and my parents will lovee you! you got their baby to sleep when sleeping pills and hypnosis couldn't... she will probbly marry us!"


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