Lanzhan first visit to Yummeng

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" lanzhan! no, I mean hangujun! hangujun! wont you come up?"

"it is you?"

"offcourse its me, who else would be this  ridiculous?"

"mn" as he turn to leave.

seeing that lanzhan was leaving, weiying sigh and continue to drink, twirling flute in his hand.

after a minute or two had passed weiying heard unhurried foot steps, and a hand pulling the curtain away.

"won't you drink with me lanzhan? its been awhile.

"drinking is prohibited weiying"

"yea in cloud recess. wont you sit? its your first time visiting yummeng.

stuck between wanting to leave and sitting, lanzhan stare at the girls all crowded around weiying, his face colded than usual, more so as the girls pull him a drink.

"your flowers"

"your welcome, it is yours"


"why? why not?"


" I do ridiculous things lanzhan you know that"

"weiying? wont you come back to gusu with me?"

throwing hands in the hand, "not this again lanzhan its been 3 months since the sunshot rebellion. don't I look in control?"

lanzhan watch over weiying shoulders, seeing the girls swill and twirl around weiying touching him and pulling away shyly,

"weiying! sent them away!"

"mhm? who? following lanzhan eyes, see the girls, uh? them? why?"

" weiying! yells lanzhan.

jumps in seat "lanzhan? why are you getting mad?"

"now! weiying!"

"ugh fine"!

lanzhan watches as weiying wave his hand and the girls disappears.

"happy? "
"wont you sit lanzhan?"

lanzhan stills, for a moment before sitting down.

"now wont you tell me what you doing here? did you come to see me?, offcourse not, night hunt?"

lanzhan sat in silence for a long time, staring at weiying as he pull himself cups, and cups of wine, watching as some run down his chin, down his throat, swallowing hard, lanzhan turns away.

As the silence prolonged weiying stare back at lanzhan, " ahhh such a pretty face, its been a while, I could stare at you all day, weiying thought sighing out loud.


"mhm lanzhan?"

"wont you come to gusu with me?"

inhaling and exhaling, weiying stare at lanzhan face for a moment, scrutinizing his face, weiying sigh in resignation "lanzhan, not this again.

frowning lanzhan

"fine! if it will please you I will come.


standing up, "well come on i don't have all day. let's go so I can get this punishment over with".

lanzhan standing up as well, slip back into the chair, "weiying? what punishment?"

"ehh? don't you want me to come to gusu so you guys could punish the demonic cultivation out of me?"

standing up fast and running to weiying, crowding him up against the wall, "no weiying, not punish".

"ehh? why then if not to punish me??"

sighing, "music weiying, play cleansing for weiying temperament and heart".

"oh, ok, but lanzhan i dont need to be in gusu for that, you come and play for me when ever, everyday if you can".

"no weiying, music score can't be taken out of gusu. pause invading weiying personal space, clenching sword hard.

"lanzhan?  whats wrong? pulling his hand clenching Bichen, loosening grip, and rubbing hands on knuckles that had turn white, wont you tell me lanzhan?"

fighting with his words, wanting to say them but scare, but scare even more of miscommunication. "want weiying to come to gusu to protect weiying and hide him, and keep him safe" not punish, never punish".

"oooh lanzhan!"

" but weiying is a bird, cant cage weiying" lanzhan sigh head lowered.

feeling happiness he didn't even know existed, happiness that flow from his soul to his heart to his whole being. The acceptance he hears, not to punish, but protect. the fierceness. he didn't know. he thought

tackling lanzhan into a bone crushing hug, unconsciously blinding lanzhan with his sun stopping smile, smile that have had lanzhan captive since he first saw it.

"weiying? returning hug, and cradling weiying in his arms as if he's been to doing so for years.


" oooh lanzhan, have you been scare this whole time? "


"am smart lanzhan really smart but am also dense lanzhan. You will have to speak words for me to understand"


"ahh lanzhan, just couple words from you have made soo happy, I feel so happy, happier than shijie soup has ever made me and I love shijie and her soup its my favorite".

"mhmm " will learn to make it for weiying."

"ahh lanzhan, lanzhan, what about the wens remnants? we can't leave them without protection. oh ayuan? where am I going to stay lanzhan?

still cuddling his weiying in his arms, happy that he was able to communicate his feelings, happy that weiying is receptive?

"whatever weiying wants to do. we can decide together, ayuan can live with us;  in the jingshi. whatever weiying wants.

smilling happy tears, relaxing for the first time in 6months, he was not alone. lanzhan, the best jade of gusu loves him? and will help him

"lanzhan, I missed looking at your pretty face, are you going to hide me away and do naughty things with me too?"

"mhhm? if weiying wants" pause. "whatever weiying wants as long as he allows me be there for him".

"uh? thats it? whatever I want? what if I ask you to adopt ayuan? will you do it? how about when I want to fly would you fly with me?"

"en" will do as weiying wishes".

"well what if weiying also wishes you to kiss him, and practice dual cultivation with him uh?

"en? weiying? does weiying wants that? is weiying sure he wants that with me? "

"ooh lanzhan how are you real? pulling lanzhan with him to sit, after seating, weiying flops his body on lanzhan lap, snuggling close. weying wants everything  with lanzhan. lanzhan i don't know what am doing; life has been difficult".

"now that i have you to depend on; lanzhan all I want to do is plant ayuan in the ground, sleeps all day, eat as much spicy food as I can, stare at your beautiful face all day and tease you enough to get any reaction from you will make me happy.

"mhhm will try to make weiying happy everyday if he will allow it." snuggling weiying close.

curling into lanzhan lap sleepy, "weiying wants forever  with lanzhan"
lanzhan smiles down at his sleepy cultivation partner, pulling closer.

The End

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