The end

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"mmmhmm fuck! I can't feel my legs. I am definitely pregnant, yea definitely pregnant. looking down to see his always flat belly full with cum. Lanzhan! lanzhan! "

"mn"? groaning still half at sleep

"wake up! I want to use the bathroom but my legs are like jelly!"

"mn, smilling good morning weiying" picking weiying up and taking him to the bathroom.

"don't smile, if the kids come over and ask why their mommy can't get out of bed its all on you to deal with it."

"mn" still smiling feeling smug about making weiying on unable to walk.

"don't feel so smug about it I might get pregnant from the amount of cum in me."

"will take of weiying and babies, plus I and weiying makes pretty babies.

"ha! I stop listening at babies! you want more babies? Jinyi and Suizhui are a handful already do you think I want more kids? "

"mn, I thank weiying for doing such a great job for raising the twins, but you are not alone, you have more family now. "

" more family huh? I like the sound of that. I almost killed nie hauisang everytime he visited and babysat. do you know he bought the kids cars and dirt bikes?

"mmn really?

"yes! they were only 2 at the time! I kicked him out and sent them back!

"mmn?? weiying?


" You know how we found out about you and the boys yesterday?"


"we sorta went crazy yesterday with buying presents and such, I and brother. we have a lot to make up for please allow us to give it to them."

" lanzhan?

"mn weiying?"

" I won't denied you the right to be a father to your kids. they are yours. you don't need my permission to be a parent to them/ Xichen gege a uncle to them, but please don't spoil them too much."

"mn. giving weiying a chaste kiss, thank you weiying."

after using the restroom, lanzhan carried weiying back on bed before sliding in behind him pulling weiying to him.

" ugh! look at my belly its swollen.

"mhmm rubbing weiying belly, I really hope it takes. I miss seeing you pregnant. I miss all of it.


I would  love to see you swollen with my child. I bet you looked beautiful.  I bet you would be pregnant on our wedding day as well.

"Lanzhan! what? what are you talking about? married? "

"offcourse. you are mine weiying. I will take responsibility and officially make you mine. you deserve that much. but now let's work on making sure my spent take.

"ugh! how are you so shameless!" Lanzhan the Boyz! maybe later mhmm?

huffing at weiying response, "okay definitely later".

After an hour or so weiying was able to bath and get ready for the day. when he and lanzhn walk to the boys room they were awake playing on their tablets.

"mommy! mommy! daddy?  they looked at each other? ran to their mom? mommy good morning! can we call him daddy? he didn't know about us right? we can't be mad at him right mommy?"

laughing at his boys questions, weiyjng shaked his head, " yes boys you can call him daddy you are his after all.

lanzhan knee down to his son's level, hugging them both, " it would be my honor if you guys call me dad, and I will try to be worthy of it. thank you for taking care of your mom for me."

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