ever after

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it has been a whole week since the kissing scene with wanji and he hasn't seen the man since. weiying sulk for couple days, regretting his actions, than mad at himself for liking a man, and he was afraid that wanji had rejected and is probably disgusted with him that's why he hasnt  back to the cafe.

unbeknownst to weiying, wanji was busy with his band practices and concert abroad that he hadn't had time, and he was even colder than ice doing his time away.

As usual weiying didnt let his emotional distress stop him from flirting with his customers new and old.

Late friday afternoon when the cafe was about to close, couple college girls approach weiying!

"weiying what are you doing tonight?

"I don't know yet probbly hang out with qing wen and ning wen tonight.

"but you do that every day already come out with us.

"yea where are you going?

" we are going to red door you know the new club that just opened, it's our treat the girls said simultaneously.

"ahhh how can I refuse such beautiful ladies?

the braver of the girls invaded his personal space trying to touch his face, "you're so handsome, I wouldn't mind if you was my boyfriend".

before her hands could touch him it was grab by wanji. "dont touch him"!

"wanji"! weiying exclaim excitedly seeing the beautiful man again! "I have missed you pretty boy!"


weiying turn to approach the girls, "am sorry pretty ladies my man just got here and I have to close the cafe, but thank you for the offer ".

the young ladies mouth was hanging as they were was escorted out the cafe. As weiying turn to lock the door he was slammed into the door, before his lips was claimed into fierce and demanding kiss by wanji  biting his lower lips to giving him access to his tongue.

weiying was kiss breathless "how many did you get this week?"

still daze from the kiss, "uh"?

"How many times where you ask out this week?"

"ahh I dont know same as usual?"

Furious at his answer, wanji pressed him more in to the wall, before reclaiming his lips again, weiying was kiss for so long that his knee weakend.

breaking kiss for weiying to catch his breath, "did you tell them you got a boyfriend?

"uh? no?"

"no? you didnt tell them you got one? do you like the attention weiying? he ask lifting weiying face to read his expression

weiying shrugg his shoulders, " it's the norm wanji, plus is that what you are my boyfriend?

capturing weiying lips again kissing him breathless, "yes weiying am your boyfriend, you are mine got it?"

"am yours? your not going to disappear on me again are you?"

nibbling his ears, "am sorry I had a tour abroad that's why I was gone but next time I will make sure you I get your number.

"umm ok".


the next morning weiying was at the counter preparing to start the day. wen qing and ning wen barely comes to the cafe anymore, she had opened another cafe closer to a university which took up all her time.

after prepping weiying thought about the many kisses he had received from wanji. was he in love with him? everytime he saw that man his body was on fire. he got his number last night and he cannot wait for another hot makeout section with him.

It was really surprising for him when weiying saw wanji and his brother Xichen entering the cafe, he didnt know he was going to come there today.

what was even surprising was before wanji walk to the private area he had stop at the counter, pull weiying over the counter and capture his lips into a fierce kiss, bite his lower lip, smile at him before walking over to his usual spot.

weiying was flabbergasted and so was all the customers that had witness the display of affection.

" omo did you see that?
" he really do have a boyfriend!
"his boyfriend is hot! omg they look so cute together!

after getting over shock, weiying took wanji and Xichen usual orders to their table.

"pardon my brother weiying it seems his jealousy got the best of him earlier.

"hmm" weiying responded before turning to leave.

"hmm wanji?

"your not angry with me are you?"

"no" am not. "am yours ain't I?

Pulling weiying in for another fierce kiss, breaking only to allow weiying to catch his breath, "yes" "Your mine weiying only mine.

  "wanji!!  Xichen was beyond shock that his brother was so comfortable with pda in public area not to forget his recently acquired celebrity status.

sheepishly smiling at his brother, "am sorry brother, I love him!"

weiying was speechless! "you..you... lovee.. mee?.

"yes bunny I love you, I have loved you since force me to eat my first chocolate cake"

"grining sheepishly at wanji, weiying jump unto wanji lap straddling him before ravashing his face with kisses exclaiming "oh wnaji I love you I love you too" leaning in for another passionate kissing moment

Xichen was flabbergasted " why the fuck did I come here?" he thought before excusing himself giving the two lovers their moment.

As he drove away, Xichen couldn't help wanting to fall in love too.

The End.

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