In China: Lanzhan?

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Sorry for the wait guys. Life got busy again. Thank you all for the love. Hope you like this one as well. One more chapter left.

weiying and kids just landed in China. exhausted from the 16 hours flight of jinyi is more than enough to make him tired.. "jinyi! stop running! ayuan hold your brother hand! I forgot how crowded the airports are over here! Jinyi! please stop touching things! "

Ayuan grabbing his bag from his mom, "mommy calm down relax its ok, Jinyi is fine, take a deep breath."

"ahh ayuan how are you my kid? you are so amazing".

"yea,  yea, whatever mom you know you love me! anyway where is uncle neihausing am hungry! mommy! mommy am hungry!"

noticing the stares of others, weiying hiss under his breath, "jinyi! please lower your voice. we are all hungry, just wait a little longer alright, your uncle neihausing will soon be here, we arrived a little early that's all".

Ayuan, "Jinyi! people are staring!  watch what you say to mom". "mom is a guy do you want him to get in trouble? do you want us to be taken from him?"

"jinyi, "no."  am sorry mom."

pulling his babies into a threeway hug kisses them silly on their face" it's okay guys! we are all just tired and hungry."

As weiying and the kids walked outside to the pickup station, weiying saw neihausing standing in front of a limo with four or six big bodied body guards, holding up his name sign!

"offcourse Jinyi was the first to see him, releasing ayuan hands as he scream running to wards neihausing. "uncle Neha! Uncle Neha! its us! it's me jinyi!!"

laughing at his nephew neihausing picked jinyi up giving him a big hug and kisses all over his face! "ugh! uncle Neha! am not a kid! no more! "

dropping jinyi and giving ayuan the same treatment of a hug and kisses rejoice happily to each kisses laughing. "uncle neiha! I missed you! it's been so long!!!"

Weiying, Neihausing! what is this? I told you to pick us up! not showed up in a limo! smacking neihausing in the head! are you trying to tell the world am back!"

dodging weiyings beating, neihausing give weiying a brotherly hug, grinning, "I did not sent this, I actually refused it but I couldn't really refused the person who sent it."

Weiying, "umm? who sent it then? trying to hit neihausing again as the limo pull off! tell me! do you want to die! "

"oooh! ayuan! look at this button! ooooh it opened the car roof! let's see let's seee!!! ooh there's are apples!! and grapes!!! mama can we eat some?"

neihausing, wrestling with weying, "yes go ahead eat as much as you want please its for you guys."

weiying, "just eat one each guys. you need real food." "Now back to you neihausing who sent this limo??!"

"I can't really say, it's a surprise but I promise you would like the surprise. oh before I forgot change up in here would you and look a bit presentable, and why are you still the same? aint you a parent??! stop trying to hit me! and you wonder where Jinyi gets it from smh."

"ok fine I will go with the flow, and change, but if it's not worth me changing my clothes I will get you". weiying close the enclosure leaving him and the kids  privacy in the back to change and refresh themselves.


After 30 minutes or more, Weiying and the kids  had dose off to the  smooth ride was driven to a mansion? a mansion? , weiying woke up as he realize the car had stopped. waking each kid up, " Jinyi!, ayuan! wake up babies we are here? Jinyi keep close and hold your brother hands. no touching anything you hear! I will get you guys some food soon".

"mom" are we here? stepping out of the car, woow! who palace is this mom! ayuan get out! it is so pretty! uncle Neha! wait for me!" sighing as he see Jinyi running , "Jinyi! please stop running! ayuan let's catch up with your brother, Jinyi! what did I just say, as Jinyi run into the house he pause, frozen.

Weiying running with ayuan beside him knee down to jinyi, frantic that something was wrong. "Jinyi! what's wrong? are you hurt? I told you not to run?, as weiying frant over Jinyi, Ayuan looked away from his brother turning to see what he was looking at and froze as well, clenching his mom hand tight.

Still not paying attention to what his kids was looking at, weiying turn his attention to ayuan, "ayuan! ayuan? whats wrong? why you guys frozen? Is this a lan thing I don't know about?Oh gosh where is  neihausing patting his kids down, "Nehausing!!! where have you disapper to? what is wrong with them", finally turning his head towards the entrance of the house,  froze as well.

Xichen,  Niminjue and neihausing was standing there and staring at the kids looking at their dad lanzhan, as weiying rant about, neihausing smacked his hand on his head, Xichen was smirking at weiying, Niminjue was grinning hard why lanzhan stood frozen as well staring at the two boys who looked like his carbon copy.

Xichen, breaking the ice, " Its definitely a lan thing! I would welcome you all but it seems to late for that."

weiying getting over his stupor,  look from lanzhan to his boys to xichen and neihausing calculating the how, when and what!


lanzhan frozen spell broke at his name, ran to weiying and his boys, pulling them all in his arms, crying/ laughing happy tears of joy?  "oooh weiying they are beautiful, thank you! thank you so muchh!!!"

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