Cleansing? or Confessions?

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"Hey guys am back again cant sleep so I thought I should  write another one shot lol".

"Remember that scene in the Untamed when Lanzhan played cleansing for weiying for three days after passing out during the sunshot battle scene?"

"This is what I really wanted to happen instead".

"Please and thank you for indulging me"

groaning weiying woke up, feeling refreshed and calm, a feeling he had since longed for. As he turn to get out of bed, the door opened revealing shijie.

"shijie! "

"ahhh you are awake am glad"

"shijie! how long was I out for?"

"you was out for three days! am glad to see you awake, thank mercy for lan wanji."

"Lan wanji? what does he have to do with this?"

"Its because of him you are up so early! I and ahcheng was so worried."

"what did lan wanji do shijie?"

"well the last three days lan wanji has played cleansing for you no stop, morning to night, only leaving to eat and sleep, he should be in soo," both turns as the door open, revealing lanzhan.


After greeting each other plus shijie, shijie excuses herself, leaving the two love birds alone.

"weiying" you awake"

"mnhm I heard its all thanks to you".

after that, lanzhan sit down, and pull wanji out and began to play cleansing as usual.

feeling better and more himself, weiying left bed to sit infornt of lanzhan, dazely starring at his face with a small smile playing on his lips.

"weiying, you should be resting."

"I have rested for three lanzhan"


"lanzhan". "why are you here lanzhan? "

"why? help weiying get better"

"but why? don't you hate what I have become? don't you want to take me to cloud recess and punish me for using demonic cultivation?"

lanzhan feeling frustrated at being a person who finds it difficult to communicate cannot help but take in a deep breath as he prepare to answer weiying as best as he can.

"lanzhan! stop ignoring me! dont you hate me?? why? why are you here!" weiying raised his voice as he tries to keep calm, refusing to let his frustration take over.

"sighing", lanzhan wave wanji away, before giving weiying his attention. "weiying, i do not hate you. I do not want you to come to cloud recess to punish you. I want to help you. cloud recess has many music that helps in cleanisng the heart and soul".

"ok, but why do you want to help me?  why do you care about my heart? its not like we were friends! aint you glad that am not ignoring you anymore?"


"why do you want to take me to cloud recess? you found me to be boring and shameless!"


"tell me!" weiying scream getting up from sitting so close to lanzhan.  all his frustration of the last three months are catching up with him and he knows taking it out on lanzhan is wrong, he must be the only other person genuinely trying to help him.

getting up from his lotus pose as well, lanzhan walk to weiying, attempting to touch but stop, scared of speaking the truth of his heart, scared of weiying reaction.

" Jiang cheng also said you was looking for me these past three months! why? lanzhan! why! whom am I to you? am I your friend? your ex classmate? or are you just being benevolent?!"

"weiying"!!!! getting frustrated at being on the spot unable to answer.

surrounding him now are resentful energy, released and ready to lash out, but weiying knows lanzhan will never be a person he harm, harming him would be like harming himself and all that he promised doing the rabbit lantern festival.

"Tell me! Tell me lanzhan why now! why sort me out! I remember in the past I gave you all my attention and friendship; you didn't want it! you ignored me and stated you didnt want my friendship!!"

Now frustrated at the turn of event, he spoke without thinking " because i don't want your friendship weiying"!

weiying froze, shock at the response, turning to face lanzhan, weiying scrutinize lanzhan face, " than why are you here lanzhan?"

taking in  a deep breath and praying to all things holy and right that he has the strength to handle weiyings reaction when he told the truth, A truth he has only just accepted during these three long months.


" I want to take you to cloud recess, take you and hide you from the world, and everyone; keeping you safe and to myself".

not expecting that answer weiying sputter, "uh? ......what?..... why?"

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