cleansing? confessions? part two (end)

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" I love weiying, weiying is my soulmate"

of all the reaction he had expected from weiying, laughing was not one of them. does weiying think him to be joking? or him a joke? lanzhan was so nervous his knuckles had turned white from too much clenching.

after his laughing fiasco weiying walk up to lanzhan, "how can you say you love me? do you take me for a fool? is this a joke? all I ever did was annoyed you. how can you love someone/ me like that?"

" weiying was the only person that tried to know me lanzhan the person, not lan wanji the prodigy".

weiying was quiet, resentful energy gone, " are you serious?" but why? why do you love?" am boisterous, shameless, love alcohol, sleep late and break all the rules sacred in true to cloud recess.

"mhmm". "its against the rule to say things one don't mean weiying. weiying is all those things plus more. weiying is smart, weiying love his family, weiying protects the weak, but importantly weiying is beautiful."

" lanzhan, maybe three months ago I would have soar at those words, but am none of those things anymore lanzhan, now am a master of demonic cultivation an empty shell."

approaching weiying cautiously, lanzhan invaded weiying personal space, carving his face in his hands, " weiying is still weiying demonic cultivator or not".

" you cant love me lanzhan, its too late for me; am not going to accept it and ruined your life/ reputation, lanzhan your are worth more".


" I can't love you back lanzhan"

" I don't want you to love me back weiying, you asked me why, now you know; please let me help you."

"lanzhan! stop that!"


" stop being so accepting lanzhan, go back to ignoring me, am sure you will find a good girl from gusu later on."

"mhhm weiying is it for me, only want weiying, no one else".

" lanzhan!! ugh can not be so shameless with a straight face am trying to do the right thing here".

"weiying don't have to do anything. I will not impose my feelings on weiying but please let me help you".

after that line, weiying was tired of the back and forth, feeling drain from his earlier outburst, weiying return to the bed and lay on it, rethinking all of wanji attitude and behavior changes from his days at cloud recess.

taking that as sign that weiying has at least accepted his quest to help, lanzhan sat down to play wanji again, cleansing notes resonating in the air.

after a while of playing and thinking on weiyings part, "lanzhan?"


" do you want to know why I turn to demonic cultivation?"

" if weiying wants to tell me he can, but he don't have to".

"taking in a deep breath, " i dont have my golden core any more lanzhan".

lanzhan froze. he was frozen for so long that weiying turned around to see what was wrong.

" lanzhan?"

" zhuliu?

" no lanzhan, I give my golden core to jiang cheng because his was melted."

" how?"

" wen qing did it", after she did it, I was caught by wen chao, and threw into the burial mounds, I had to cultivate demonic cultivation as a means to survive lanzhan, I wouldn't choose this path for anything".

lanzhan ran towards the bed pulling weiying into a hug, a hug so tight weiying tap his hand to pull out of it.

" dont move"

weiying stop moving, lanzhan voice sounded hoarse is he crying? for him?

rubbing his back softly; weiying whispers,"lanzhan? am back, am safe, am with you".


after awhile lanzhan pull out of the hug, knee down infront of weiying attempting to bow

weiying jump out of bed, immediately pulling lanzhan up, " lanzhan what are you doing!"

" lanzhan judge weiying decision, lanzhan wants to apologize and be punish for wrong doing.

" but you didnt know lanzhan"

"doesn't matter, lanzhan should know better, should know weiying better, how can i say i love weiying and judge him so?" lanzhan responded head bow.

" lanzhan! stop this self righteous act right now or you wouldn't like my response!"

" lanzhan deserves to be punished"

" i think you are being punish enough lanzhan "

" mhmm how? "

" you fell in love with me"! hahhaha"

" not funny". " I shall mediate in self seclusion for ten years. I beg weiying forgive me". lanzhan gets up determine to leave and start punishment.

" ahhh hold on lanzhan!! you are forgiven dont leave!, please don't leave".

"I lanzhan thanks weiying for his forgiveness, but still needs to be punished".

"hold on lanzhan! what's wrong with you lans! so quick to take punishment!; don't you want to know my answer to your love confession?"

" weiying?"

" weiying stated he couldnt accept my love".

" yes. good. but i didn't say i didn't love you back! gosh lanzhan I been thinking on all our conversations and what I mistook for hate could have well be restraint.  you were restraining yourself from acting, more so than my behavior towards you."

" mhmm"

" how can I not love you back lanzhan? with all the time we spent together?"


"well its true! I mean who draws a picture of his friend and put flowers in his hair to make him prettier? I mean you are prettier than all the girls in yummeng, and i know alot of girls in yummeng!"


"promise you won't go off to punish yourself than I will return with you to gusu".

" weiying?"

" now that we know how we feel about one another shouldnt we live together? or do you not want that?"

"pulling weiyjng into another hug, I want weiying, I want that very much!"

" well take me than! am yours now! hahahahaha nobody is going to fuck with me now that hangujun is on my side!"

exasperated, "weiying"

" hahahaha its true lanzhan! they are going to spin so much stories about us! how i seduced you with my dark magic! ooh lanzhan your uncle is going to qi deviate hahahhaha"

couldn't take weiying unruly laughter anymore, lanzhan shut him up by kissing the bejesus out him, rendering him breathless.

" oooh lanzhan, lanzhan i should have known you be great at everything". let's do more and more of that plus more everyday!"

lanzhan responded "mhmm, Mark your words," before claiming weiying lips again.


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