Weiying's Alpha?

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Running weiying mumbled to himelf; "shit! shit! am a doing this? can I do this? I have to do this or else I will be one of jin guangshan play thing. Still running as fast as his legs could take him weiying remembers why he's in this predicament in the first place.

Madam Yu found out weiying is a male omega, a rare breed of omega that appears once every ten thousand years. As a thank you for raising weiying she decided to sell him to the highest bidder.

Everyone knows jin guanshang is a hoe and an an asshole; An asshole with alot of money. Weiying turned to his uncle for help, his uncle give him a helpless shrug, and his poor shijie give him all money and helped him escape with jiang cheng keeping guard.

arriving at a small town call caiyi town, weiying pray and hope that he would meet his friend neihausing. a week before they had agreed to visit said town this weekend because they heard about how good the alcohol is.

after booking a night in the nearest inn, weiying decided to drink his night away, on his six or 8 jars, weiying had an epiphany. " I should just get pregnant, yes! am sure hoe guanshang wouldn't want me when am carrying another's man's child"

on his way to his room, weiying bump into someone, yes he was still looking over his shoulders to make sure he don't see anyone with gold or yellow embroidery near.

lanzhan, "look where you are going"! because whoever that had bumped into him didn't value their life.

"shit! shit! shit! running over to the idiot who just bumped into his boss, fuck! sushe curse said idiot a thousand times before reaching to pull said man away from his boss.

" ahhh". what ever wieying had bumped into was hard, ignoring the watch where you are going weiying held unto said hardness before lifting his head up to smile, and pause. "wow! you are ethereal, are you real? "

before sushe could touch said man, a glare from his boss had him pausing in his steps and running away. "Fuck! this man scares the bejesus out of me".

"lan wanji loathe, absolutely detest touching. before he can break said hands that has the audacity to touch him, the perpetrator looked up and lan wanji was lost in a pair of grey eyes that was gloss over with the daze from drinking.

" Beautiful man with the golden eyes can you be the father of my kids? or just one? "

taken out of stupor by the said man, lanzhan spuddered eyes widen, speechless.

now clenching more onto this cold golden eyes man, " am a virgin but I will be willing to give you my everything as long as agree.


"really? just like that?"

snapping his fingers at his sushe, "get the room ready", before turning back to look at weiying. "so you can get pregnant"?

" hehe giggling as the alcohol settles more into his system, this emperor smile was delicious, " yes apparently am one of the rare male omega that can pregnant and my aunt tried to sell me to the highest bidder, disgusting as jin guanshang .

"ahhh so you ran away?"

"mhm", am also meeting my friend here as well, hopefully he shows up".

lanzhan escorted said man to his suite, give him enough liquid and food, and sobered him up before getting his sobered approval and then proceeded to ravaged said man over and over again. when weiying woke up, there was a forehead band tied to his left wrist, and a note telling him that breakfast was ordered and to never take off said headband, until it is return to its rightful owner. next to said note was a gouche bag fill with an insane amount of money. with a sticky note attached. " last night was amazing weiying best night of my life" . I am sorry i left, i have important duties to attend. please use this money to take care of yourself until I find you again, to your lips only am lanzhan. I will find you weiying."

while the note was beautiful and all, it did not prevent his back and behind from being broken. lanzhan had broken him a thousand ways to Sunday. for the next couple days, weiying soothe his back with bathing in ice water and enjoying the free room and food lanzhan had instructed be provided to him until he departed.

weiying lazed around waiting on neihausing, on the fourth day of waiting and feeling paranoid, neihausing should up, greeted weiying and apologized for being late, "sorry wei gonzo, I had to wait for dage to leave before coming".

after waving away neihausing sorry weiying told neihausing about his unfortunate predicament; as well as explaining his affair with a certain lanzhan. neihausing pause at the name but did not comment, as weiying continue his story.

being a great friend that he was, neihausing arrange for weiying to move America, sending him money and necessity after finding out that yes weiying end up pregnant with twins for a guy named lanzhan. said man name lanzhan is known as the right hand and deadliest assassin for the emperor of the country he was running away from.

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