Come back to Gusu with me

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"What would have happened; had lanzhan confessed his feelings to weiying after he had return from the burial ground during the sunspot revolution?"

"let's explore the possibility".

"Weiying!! return to Gusu with me!"

"why? so that I can be subjected to countless rules!!! no thank you!"

"this path will damage ur temperament and heart! "

"why should one be concern about matters of my heart? only I know it!"

"Jiang Chiang let's go!"


"Lan Wanji!"

"Sect Leader Jaing Chiang can I please talk to your brother in private?"


"Excuse me sect leader Jiang!" pulling weiying outisde towards the trees.

"Wei wuxian just hear what he has to say, I will be right here"

"dont you dare leave me alone with him Jiang chiang!!!"

"I wont!! just hear what he has to say hes been looking for you too all this while!!"

"stop dragging me lan zhan I can walk"!

walking further into the trees, weiying allows lanzhan to drop him on one of the larger trees, caging him in place between his arms.

lanzhan  closes his eyes; taking in deep breaths to calm himslef down

"lanzhan? "


"well what do you want?  say what you got to say so I can leave!"

"Weiying! Come to Gusu with me?"  please dont say no, dont you know my feelings? I need to keep you save weiying!

"tsk! not this again! why lanzhan? dont you hate me? eyes turning red?" look at me! am unredemiable!"

sighing  "I want you save weiying!" So please come back to gusu with me!"

"no thank you!" weiying said getting up! "if that's all then I shall take my leave, I appreciate the concern I really do! but I can keep myself save"!

as weiying turns to leave, lanzhan grabs weiying wrist, " whom am I to you weiying?"
smiling a really sad smile, " I have always thought of you as my life long friend"

"I still am".

"then please let me go home lanzhan, the last three months has been hell and am tired! I just want to rest", he said trying to free his hand from lanzhan grip

" please dont leave or disappear from me again weiying I need to know where you are at all times so i can protect you! you dont need the dark art!"

"it's to late for me lanzhan" looking at his wrist still in his grip, "can you let go?"

"cant he understand my feelings? how can i live without you weiying! will it be ok for me to lock him up? will he allow me to?


"Yes lanzhan?"

"not knowing where you were for the last 3 months has made me realize that I cant live without knowing where you are, or what your doing".

"sucessfully releasing lanzhan grip; "why is that lanzhan? dont you find me shameless? and extremely boring?" he said smiling turing to leave.

" I still do! but I...I... love you"

"weiying pauses and turns around,  whatt...whatt?? did you say?"

sighing lanzhan grabs weiying wrist again and pull him closer,  caressing his face, " I ..I thought I had locked away all emotions when my mom die, but you came into my world and crash it! you made me feel things I never felt and want things! disregarding the rules that I have been taught.


"I wont ask you for anything in return but please dont push me away, he said pulling weiying in for a bone crushing hug"!


"weiying? wont you say something?"

"you love me? weiying? did you see what I did lanzhan?  am sorry, am not the same weiying anymore, he said burying his head on lanzhan shoulders sniffing.

patting his back softly, lanzhan lift weiying face up to look at him, " weiying will always be weiying" his said before kissing him softly on the lips, dreading the refusal of weiying.

hesitating at first, weiying returns the kiss, opening up for more of lanzhan mouth, relishing in the feels of it. he was kiss so long that he forgot to breath, breaking kiss to pull in air, weiyung smiles up at lanzhan who was looking at him with worry.

"damn it wanji! you stole my first kiss! I want more!, pulling lanzhan in for more kisses.

beyond happy that weiying had at least accepted his feelings, lanzhan breaks kissing fever to allow weiying air to breathe. choosing to ravash his neck instead pulling hard and leaving Mark's!

"lanzhan", " ask me again?"

"weiying"  "My love would you go to gusu with me?"

"hehehe ahh er gege how can I refuse you when you ask me so beautifully"? " I cant go now but after helping my brother rebuilt Yummeng, I will come with you"


"I dont have my golden core anymore lanzhan, I give it to my brother when his was melted by zhulian. I dont want secrets between us, if you want me to stop practicing demonic cultivation I will but you have to protect me from now on ok?"

still in shock at weiying confession and trust, lanzhan pull weiying  in for another bone crushing hug.

"lanzhan! lanzhan! I cant breath!"

smiling sheepishly lanzhan release weiying before giving him another knee weakening kiss, rendering him breathless!

"fuck lanzhan! you will be the death of me!"

"gloating, lanzhan pull weiying to him, " is it ok for me to keep kissing you? you know what this means right? you are mine now"

" if am yours, are you mines too?" what about girls? can I still flirt with them?" he ask winking


" fine, fine, am only joking er gege, come on let's go find Jiang before he comes looking for us".

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