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And so began the routine of black coffee with a slice of chocolate cake each visit. Offcourse Weiying was still as shameless as always flirting with Wanji and Xichen each time that it became a norm.

what Xichen and weiying didnt know was Wanji found pleasure in weiying shamelessness and weiying voice and the cafe became a sanctuary for him, a place to relax before starting the day.

Wanji wasnt blind to weiying flirting with other customers but he was glad that weiying pay him the most attention everytime he was there, well how about the customers paying weiying the most attention instead?

Weiying carried on with his day as usual flirting and smiling when a new customer walked in, A beautiful lady wearing expensive clothing that looked out of place in the cafe.

unbeknownst to weiying this lady a new customer has been eyeing him for a while and she wanted him. she felt that he could be her perfect man, tall beautiful and handsome, or train him to be.

"good morning Beautiful Miss, How are you this morning? what would  you who like? weiying ask giving her his signature smile.

"ahh my morning is perfect now. the usual and could you find a quiet place to talk? I would like to discuss something with you.

"umm? is that right? I hope all is well? come I know just the place.

after getting her orders ready weiying lead her to the private area, sitting her a table away from wanji, before reaching the lady table weiying stop at wanji table and whisper in his ears, "hey pretty boy I think I will need your help soon. please forgive me in advance for anything.


"ok pretty boy thank you,weiyin stated before walking over to ladys table. "Ok so what you want to talk about?" "I cant stay long".

the young lady was feeling a bit nervous because this was the time first she would have to ask a guy out, she has long since realize that flipping her hair and showing her boobs hasnt gotten her his attention, "I like you and I would like us to date!

Wanji who was drinking his coffee spit it out after hearing the lady statement, turning sideways to look at her, wanji finally stare at her, before looking at weiying, waiting for his response trying to read his expression.

"ahhhh beauutiful miss you cant say something like that to me while am standing up he said nervously. I need to sit down. now sitting across from her weiying stare intensely at her...."what about me do you  like?

"uh your handsome and always smiling at people. you could be a model and one of those flower boys in the  dramas, besides dont you think we fit? I think we would make a great couple.

"ahh if you put it that way I dont know what to say, you consider me too much, weiying got out from sit and pace around, " you are right! we would make a beautiful couple weiying stated lifting his head up catching wanji Staring  intensely and  glaring at him!

"thank you miss for the offer I am really flatter but you seee,

"ahh dont refuse me I have put myself out there

" ooh is that so? what if I told you I was already in a relationship?

"what? no way you are! I have asked around and watched you! I havent seen you intimate with anyone!

"ahh is that so? umm am sorry to disappoint  you. I have a partner who loves me so much that's its border line obsession.

"really what partner? are you making up an excuse? am I not pretty enough for you! wheres this partner anyway  she asked raising her voice a little.

"ahh am sorry my lady but I wouldn't turn you down on a lie my partner is sitting next to us and it's taking all he have to stay calm stopping himself from dragging me out of here for even talking to you!

lady and wanji looked around to find such a partner before looking at each other, "ahhh your saying hes your partner? is that why hes been glaring at you? hey! young sir are you his partner? hes not lying to me is he ?

weiying walks towards wanji, pleading with him with his eyes before seductively sliding his fingers up his arms, giving him a back hug, "babe tell this lady what she wants to know so she can leave?

wanji who was shocked in place at the sudden attention recovers and responded "hmmm" staring the lady down before narrowing his eyes at her.

seeing the intense glare the lady got up and walk to wanji table, "so your partner is a male? thinking in her head wow! his partner is handsome too! so your gay?

"shshshshs please dont tell anyone am telling because you didnt believe me , weiying responded still back hugging wanji with his head on one of his shoulders.

wanji was glad his brother wasnt here with him today. he didnt know if he should be happy or angry at the absurdity of weiying or glad that mayb this maybe weiying would accept his love for him.

yes love. he loves him. the first time he realize it was the day weiying force him to take home another slice of cake for dinner, weiying would not notice his expression but he was internally happy that day. so what should he do? should he tell him? he was so far into his head he didnt realize the young lady and weiying was staring at him weirdly.

"ahh am sorry miss my man does this sometimes, hes probably thinking of ways to punish me later!


lady feeling uncomfortable " oh okay than am sorry for intruding I didnt know and I promise I wouldn't tell anyone I hope we can be friends in the future, she said before bidding farewell.

when lady was gone weiying walked to the chair facing wanji! "ooh your the best pretty boi! thank you!


"is that it? I didnt make you uncomfortable did I? am sorry you probably have a gf and is no gay! omg I hope I didnt overstep my boundaries.

"no" no gf or boyfirend currently. " how often does this happen?

"umm ?? I dont know four to five times a week? I take it all in stride you know it's my mother fault for having a son that looks exactly like her he said laughing


"ahh I feel like I owe you tho. another slice of cake to go? it's on me. you know shes not going to keep quiet before tomorrow everyone is going to know we are a couple.

"hmm" feeling happy at the idea. "take responsibility "

"I guess I will have to take responsibility and date you properly from now on then uh pretty boi? staring at wanji lips, I didnt knw I was into guys but I find you so much more attractive than that young lady and she was beautiful.


still staring at wanji lips as he eat his cake weiying couldnt help but want to taste a piece of cake too but from wanji lips, before he knows it he is leaning towards wanji, "I will be taking responsibility now" he stated before smashing his lips unto wanji chocolate cover ones.

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