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After partying hard with his best friend throughout the night and passing out from over drinking, xiao woke up hangover with a pounding headache. "Nie"

Walking towards the kitchen "Nie"!!!!!!! turning into kitchen xiao see Nie listening to music with his head phones in his ears while cooking. "this bastard".

hitting nie on the shoulders, "hey lover, do you have tylenol? my head is killing me! and what time is it?"

"good morning sleeping beauty, it is two pm!take the pill and wait for me, food should be ready shortly.

"wow! must have been the alcohol thank you for not waking me up". "Right I need to cal yibo"

"really? why?"

"Oh I asked him to follow me home this weekend"

"what? really? what did he say? you move fast dude!"

"he didnt refuse, so I thought I call him to ask him again lol".

"you like him! dude school just started!"

"yea. who wouldnt? have you seen him?"

"dude I thought you was interested in girls?"

"I guess am bi? lol I would so turn gay for him lol".

"omg dude ask him then!"

"dude! even if am shameless am not going to ask him! I might drive him away!"

shaking his head "my friend you are an idiot!"

"yea yes whatever, on second thought let me take a shower before I call him"


"knock, knock"

opening door, yibo greeted his brother, "good morning brother"

"good morning yibo; are you ready to go? "


"did you make friends?, hows your roomate?"

" Friends I dont know"

"and your roommate"?

"hmm I like him brother"

"already yibo?!"

" like father like son, "does he like you?"

"I dont know brother, he has alot of friends and hes friendly with girls too".

"so he has a girlfriend?"

"I dont know"

"will you tell him?

"he asked me follow him to his house weekend"

" oh that nice!"



"yes yibo? offcourse you should go, am glad you are making friend, or my future brother in law" xichen responded while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"what does popping your cherry means?

"choking on the water he was drinking , Xichen cough a little before asking, "Yibo! where did you hear that?"

" My roommate best friend stated that my roommate hasnt pop his cherry yet even though he flirts alot"

Xichen didnt know If he should laugh or be sympathetic towards his little brother, " Yibo, it means he still have his innocence".

yibo responded "oh" looking downwards avoiding his brothers eyes while praying that his ears are not as red as he think they are right now.

laughing at his brother, Xichen thought I cant wait to meet this Roommate.

sighing at embarrassing himself in front of his brother his phone rang

"Hey golden eyes!"


"I know I asked you to come, but you didnt give me an answer so am calling you to ask if you can please keep me warm tonight!"

all yibo could do was sigh, because his brother was close enough to hear everything xiao said and trying hard not to laugh, and he was too embarrassed because his ears has gone a shade redder then red.

"Shameless!". "hm I will see you later. sent me your address.

"Yay!! awesome! "Nie!, Nie! Yibo has agreed to sleep over! omg what do I do!!!" he said fidgeting. forgetting that he had not hang up the phone.

"dude you need to chill! you dont want to drive him away just be yourself".

"ignoring Nie, oooh I know I will have him meet grandmother first! mayb I can get something from her to calm my nerves!"

"and your hormones!" Nie said laughing!

"yes your are right or else am sure I would jump his bones"!

xichen was still in the background dying of laughter while yibo was hoping he was dead.

omg guys I crack myself writing this I don't how but next CHAPTER will be the last of this story lol.

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