Weiying continues

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two hours later Xiao woke up to the smell of something delicious. walking to the kitchen while rubbing his eyes was definitely not the best decision he realize as he bang his head against the boulder near the kitchen entrance.


"ugh! Lanzan! why didnt you wake me up!? I could have helped you!"

"lanzhan? you were tired  xiao. sit food is almost ready."

"ahh My bad"

oh he hasnt gotten his memories yet? my beautiful lanzhan! that head bang is really something! oh ayuan! where are you my son? once your dad regain his memory we are going to find you and live happily ever after together.

"what did you make?"

"fried rice, steamed dumplings, vegetable soup with sweet and sour chicken. hope that's ok. I know you like spicy so I made you hot pepper.

"ooh yibo I want to marry you, are you seeing someone?"

"stop talking nonsense and eat"

sitting down, xiao tasted each food moaning, and purring at each dish and making faces.



"golden eyes"


"will you be my life partner in this life"?


"mark your words" hurry up and remember me my love, I have missed you sooooo much! 22 years without you has been enough"

"xiao? do you not like the food?"

"ooh I love it! I was thinking about how handsome you are. you are going to have to cook for me now"


"I mean everyday yibo"


"am serious yibo, you are stuck with me now."

"mhmmm" Mark your words".

after dinner, yibo sent xiao away to wash up as he cleaned up, what is going on with xiao? hes giving me all his attention and promising me a future with him, does he know that's all I have every wanted? does he know something I dont?

Yibo, who is now sweeping the floor, stump his toes as he was so far in his head. luckily stumping  his  toes was probbly for the best because he is now remembering his past life as if he was flipping through a picture book. 

His last memory is that of his family his beautiful husband, who is back in his original body, and their son who he will find as soon as he walks upstairs to greet his husband.

Running upstairs to claim his man, xiao had just gotten  out the bathroom, and walking towards the room when he was slam into the wall and pull into a kiss, a hungry kiss that left him breathless and weakend.

catching his breath after a while, "Damnn Yibo! are you trying to kill me! fuck!"



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