Chapter 1

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"Black History Month started in 1967. President Gerald Ford officially recognized it. He called upon the public to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history." Black History is started when the precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 in the United States, when historian Carter G. Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History announced the second week of February to be "Negro History Week"."

I sat in class, in the back, cheek rested on the palm of my left hand, pencil in my right hand, drawing. I was in history class with a few of my friends, James, Ryan, Veronica, Mia, and Marco. Black History Month was almost approaching. Just one more day, then it'll be February 1st, the first day of black history month. *I wonder if people would appreciate it now.* I thought to myself. My name is MaKayla, but my friends call me Miki, so please do call me that. From the time I was younger, I was okay with my skin color, but as I got older I didn't like it that much. I thought I wasn't pretty because I had this skin color. I thought I wouldn't get a boyfriend or girlfriend because of this skin color. I thought I wouldn't make any friends because of this skin color. Well I was wrong about the making friends part because I've made a ton of friends who love me for me. And yes, I am African-Amercian by the way. Along with James, Mia, and Ryan, they get bullied as well.

"DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY QUESTIONS BEFORE I GIVE YOU YOUR ASSIGNMENT?!" No one said anything as the teacher hands out the assignment. "You can work with a group, partner, or by yourself, I don't care." As he walks back to his desk and plops in his earbuds to get back to grading some work, everyone gets loud, moving desks, talking loud. "Ugh, I really don't want to do this," James said, laying his head on the desk. I laughed softly. "We got this." Mia laid her head on my lap. "Do we really thou Miki?" I shook my head. "Yeah no fuck this." Ryan laughed and patted my head, causing me to blush a little. "So cute, all of you goodness, let's do our work so maybe we can all get out early." We all did the assignment, still now waiting on Mia, Veronica, and Marco. "You guys can do it!" Both James and I were cheering them on as they laughed and flicked us off.

"Okay done!" We laughed as we turned our papers in and left early. The teacher never really cared. As long as we know what we're doing, he doesn't care. He's kind of an asshole. When James, Mia, Ryan, and I first got his class, he would treat us like slaves and talk shit about our skin color. We told the principal but at the time, the principal didn't do shit either. We had no one to go to, until something snapped in Ryan, causing her to go off one day when the teacher put his hands on me. Ryan was suspended for 2 months, which made me upset. We walked to the lunchroom, even though it wasn't our period yet, we didn't care. "Hopefully our fucking table is available, I hope those fucking freshman's aren't there." I laughed and patted Marco's back. "Surely they aren't."

Oh yeah, I should mention. Me, James, Marco, Mia, are sophomores, while Veronica and Ryan are juniors.

"Hey, we used to be freshmans," Mia said, stretching. "Yeah but we weren't fucking assholes." I snickered to myself, watching Mia and Marco bark at each other back and forth. I looked off to the side, thinking to myself. What caused me to go back into this "reality world", was Ryan patting me on head. "Kiddo, what's wrong?" I looked up at this tall, hot girl, I call my best friend and smiled. "Ah it's nothing serious Ryan." She stared at me, knowing I was lying. "Miki, your not lying right?" I look away and walk fast, grabbing Mia's arm, pointing. "Look our table isn't taken!" She squealed as ran towards our table and sat down fast, laughing. Ryan watched with careful eyes. Marco and James sat down as well. Veronica looked at Ryan. "You care about her a lot huh? You have a crush on her big time and you want her to be safe." Ryan looked at Veronica and nodded. "How did you know?" She chuckled softly. "I see the way you look at Miki, especially when y'all first came to history class and when the teacher put his hands on Miki and you snapped, attacking him. I see you have respect for women and that's good. You mainly have respect for Miki.

(Oh yeah imma mention again, Ryan is a female. Not to mention, all of these characters are my ocs, and Ryan is actually a guy but I've made him a female in this story. Don't worry I would never date my child.)

Ryan and Veronica walked over to us but stopped. "Ryan...look." Ryan looked, watching as seniors came over towards us, us not paying attention. Ryan growls. "Shit..."

We pulled out our sketchbooks. James smiles. "Miki, have you and Mia been practicing hands for this assignment?" I nodded. "I definitely have. I need to get good at hands I suck at them that's why I don't draw them." Marco laughed. "Hands are okay. It took me months but I'm getting their. Bodies are hard to draw." We all nodded in agreement. "Most definitely." As well continue to talk, it falls silent as water is being poured onto James, cold water. We gasped as we stood up, looking up, seeing jocks, seniors, assholes...Chad. We gulp and sit back down. "Hey slaves, what's up?" He laughs along with his friends. I watch James shake with anger. "What's your problem Chad?" He looks at Marco. "Why do you care gay boy?" Marco growled. "He wasn't going to let his insults hurt him. "Call me whatever you please but you fucking leave my friends alone!" Someone people started to look over at our table, but we didn't care. We were tired of the bullying. Chad walks around the table and stands in front of Marco. "What did you say faggot?" Everyone was silent, besides the harsh slap on the face that Chad received from Marco. He growls, getting ready to grab Marco by the hair, when food gets thrown at him by Mia and James. He turns to James, snapping his fingers, his friends grabbing James, as he stalks towards Mia. "You fucking bit-" BAM! Chad flies back. My leg extended upwards. Everyone gasped. "I'm tired of your shit Chad. Why don't you fuck off and pick on someone your own fucking size?" He groans and rubs his head and chest and looks at me. "Hey slave, you shouldn't be disobeying your master." He gets up and cracks his knuckles. I watched him carefully, needing to learn his moves and his weak spots. "Your a nigga, a blackie." He's now in front of me. "Your nothing but a slave!" SLAP. Everyone is silent. My face is turned to the side. He...slapped me. Snap... Ryan has lost her shit. She immediately tackles Chad to the ground, beating the shit out of him till he stops moving. The police were called, grabbing Ryan off of Chad. The assistant principal walks over to me and places her hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Sweetheart, grab your friends and come to my office people, Ryan will already be over there." I nodded, knowing who it was, grab my other friends and head to her office.

Damn..that's a lot, just letting you know, I HATE the N word so much. I rarely use that word and I don't like it when white people or any one who's not black use it. Hell even if you are black you still shouldn't use the fucking word, it's just disrespectful fucking hell. Anyways this is the first chapter. I'll probably update everyday. Or I'll update twice a day, I don't know. I want this book to be done by February 28th. Enjoy the first chapter!

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