Chapter 13

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Previously on, 'I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am.....'

Ryan and I crawled into my bed and cuddled. "Ugh, I'm tired already. I just wanna cuddle you and sleep." Ryan chuckled softly. "Don't worry babygirl I wanna do the same but I gotta put our prom stuff away." I whined as she got up to put my dress and her suit away. I watched her as I took my skirt off. She turned around and stared at me, watching me strip. I stretched and took my shirt off, only leaving me in my undergarments along with my garter belt and thigh highs. Ryan crawled into bed and crawled over to me. "Damn babygirl, this all for me~?" I blushed and laid back, nodding. She smirked and crawled over me and leaned down, kissing me gently, cupping my cheeks. She leaned down more, propping herself up with her elbow, deepening the kiss, tilting her head to the side just to get the perfect deep kiss. I moaned softly into her lips. Her hand travels down my waist, towards my thighs, lifting them up to wrap around her waist. She presses her body closer to mine. I whimpered softly and wrapped my arms around her neck. Suddenly, Ryan's phone went off. She growled softly and grabbed her phone to see who it was. "'s my mom." I looked at her and nodded. "You can answer it babe." Ryan gets up and stands by the window and answers it. I roll over, cuddling my pillow that smells like Ryan and waited. I heard my bedroom door open and shut gently. I heard footsteps go towards the bathroom, the bathroom door slamming shut. I heard a thud, a loud one at that. There she goes, she punched the wall and she's pissed.

I didn't move. I hated seeing Ryan angry. Sometimes it even scares me. Minutes passed and my bedroom door opened and closed. A sigh could be heard from my door. The shuffling of feet got closer to my bed. The bed moved to the person crawling in bed. I rolled over and saw Ryan getting into bed, throwing her arm over my body, grabbing my waist and pulling me close. "I'm sorry about that babygirl. Did I scare you when I punched the wall?" I shook my head. I was used to this kind of behavior from her. It was almost normal to me. I grabbed her hand gently and sat up. I grabbed a small first aid kit from my backpack. Her chuckle echoed throughout my ears and it brought a smile to my face. "Nurse baby what are you doing?" I looked at her as I cleaned her hand. "Cleaning your hand you reckless women. Now keep still." This only made her laugh and smile. "Alright alright, I'll keep still." I smiled and cleaned up her wound and wrapped it up. "Thank you baby." I smiled and kissed her hand. "Do I get a kiss here too?" I shake my head, giggling. "Too bad baby." She grabs my face gently, cups my cheek, and kisses me. I kissed back, taking in her scent.

God I loved kissing Ryan. The way her hands roam my body, claiming every part of it. Her kiss, her tongue in my mouth, claiming every spot in it. I adored no..I was amazed by it. She claims me as her and I claim her as mine. She nuzzled into my neck and closed her eyes. I played with her hair, watching my fingers go through her hair. "Babe...? What happened? Is everything alright?" Ryan looked up at me. "My mom is in the hospital. That asshole of a stepdad and her got into a fight and he hurt her. I swear if I was there he would've been in the hospital already." I sighed softly and kissed her head. "We can go visit her if you'd like to tomorrow." Ryan sat up fast like a little puppy when their owner says they can go to the park. "Really!!" I laughed softly. "Yes you silly. Now come here and cuddle me." She chuckled and laid back down onto me and nuzzled my chest. "Fuck your warm baby." I smiled. "Yeah I know." She leaned up and kissed me. "Baby, you know I love you right?" I nodded. "And I love you too." She smiled and grabbed my neck and kissed me. "I also love kissing you as well, feeling your body against mine, catching your breath in my mouth, feeling your tongue against mine, moving around with mine." I moaned softly into the kiss, trying to catch my breath but she wouldn't let me. Ryan sits up, pulling me up with her and flips us over. I'm now on top of her, straddling her waist. I blushed, looking down at her. "I'm going to have fun with you babygirl~." I was in for a damn good fucking ride with her~.

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