Chapter 27

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Previously on, 'I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am....'

The day was amazing with Ryan. The last stop we made was the pet store. I was so excited, as soon as the car was parked, I hopped out of the car and ran inside. Ryan did nothing but laugh and follow me inside, locking the car up. I was admiring all the puppies. People noticed and thought it was cute. A guy came up to me and smiled. "Would you like to hold one?" I looked up and saw him. He looked as we was about 18-19 years old. I nodded fast. "Yes please." Ryan came behind me and wrapped her arm around me. I asked if I could hold a pitbull and he nodded and grabbed one for me.

"Her name is Bella." He handed her to me as I held her carefully. "Oh my god, she's beautiful. Look at her." I've always wanted a pitbull but my "dad" was always against getting a pet. Now that he's gone, we can have whatever we want! Ryan chuckled. "She is beautiful, but your gorgeous baby." I blushed and smiled. "Look at her eyes! Oh my god, I'm going to die." As I was playing with her, I didn't notice that Ryan was talking to the guy. She continued to lick my face. I squealed softly. "If only I could keep you Bella." "Baby it's time to go." I pouted and gave bella back to the guy.

Little did I know, Bella was going to be my gift from Ryan.

Ryan and I made it back home safely and into bed.

Months...what felt like years of this shit. My sophomore year is coming to an end. This week is the last week of school. Thursday is the last day of school. Throughout the months of being here in this shithouse was HELL for my friends and I. The constant bullying that we got. The name calling, everything that goes on in high school, we went through. Me, Mia, Victoria, and Marco still have junior and senior year to go through. James, Ryan, and Veronica only have to worry about senior year and they're gone! Lucky them. I still have two more years. Not one, BUT TWO MORE FUCKING YEARS TO DEAL WITH THIS. Luckily Chad is a junior too. He'll be gone before you know it. Sigh. I remember it all like it was yesterday.


Ryan and Veronica walked over to us but stopped. "Ryan...look." Ryan looked, watching as seniors came over towards us, us not paying attention. Ryan growls. "Shit..."We pulled out our sketchbooks. James smiles. "Miki, have you and Mia been practicing hands for this assignment?" I nodded. "I definitely have. I need to get good at hands I suck at them that's why I don't draw them." Marco laughed. "Hands are okay. It took me months but I'm getting their. Bodies are hard to draw." We all nodded in agreement. "Most definitely." As well continue to talk, it falls silent as water is being poured onto James, cold water. We gasped as we stood up, looking up, seeing jocks, seniors, assholes...Chad. We gulp and sit back down. "Hey slaves, what's up?" He laughs along with his friends. I watch James shake with anger. "What's your problem Chad?" He looks at Marco. "Why do you care gay boy?" Marco growled. "He wasn't going to let his insults hurt him. "Call me whatever you please but you fucking leave my friends alone!" Someone people started to look over at our table, but we didn't care. We were tired of the bullying. Chad walks around the table and stands in front of Marco. "What did you say faggot?" Everyone was silent, besides the harsh slap on the face that Chad received from Marco. He growls, getting ready to grab Marco by the hair, when food gets thrown at him by Mia and James. He turns to James, snapping his fingers, his friends grabbing James, as he stalks towards Mia. "You fucking bit-" BAM! Chad flies back. My leg extended upwards. Everyone gasped. "I'm tired of your shit Chad. Why don't you fuck off and pick on someone your own fucking size?" He groans and rubs his head and chest and looks at me. "Hey slave, you shouldn't be disobeying your master." He gets up and cracks his knuckles. I watched him carefully, needing to learn his moves and his weak spots. "Your a nigga, a blackie." He's now in front of me. "Your nothing but a slave!" SLAP. Everyone is silent. My face is turned to the side. He...slapped me. Snap... Ryan has lost her shit. She immediately tackles Chad to the ground, beating the shit out of him till he stops moving. The police were called, grabbing Ryan off of Chad. The assistant principal walks over to me and places her hand on my shoulder and whispers, "Sweetheart, grab your friends and come to my office people, Ryan will already be over there." I nodded, knowing who it was, grab my other friends and head to her office. I sat in the library, in the corner, drawing. I was listening to Melanie Martinez while practicing hand drawings. It was kind of hard to focus since I felt eyes on me. I turned my head and smacked the person in the face with my sketchbook, also stabbing the person on accident with my pencil. "Shit!" He growls and holds his face. "What the fuck yo!?" I panted heavily and backed up. "C-Chad! What are you doing in my face??" He rolled his eyes and sat across from me. "Look, I wanted to say sorry for all the times that I've messed with you and your friends." I laughed softly. "You expect me to believe you? That's rich coming from you." I put my sketchbook and other stuff away into my bag and got up. Chad quickly grabbed my wrist. "W-Wait!" I turned and looked at him. "Um, would you like to go to prom with me?" I tensed and pulled my hand away. "Fuck no. I'm already going with someone and she's better than you." With that, I pushed past him and walked out of the library. 

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