Chapter 6

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Previously on "I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am"

"Chad has been searching for you. He almost beat us up asking for you. He forced us to give him your number and he tried calling you but you didn't answer." I looked at Marco and whispered. "You serious? This dude is desperate for me." Marco and I got up to get lunch as Ryan told the others what happened.

"Yeah, Chad has been looking for you. He won't stop." I rolled my eyes and linked arms with Marco. "I heard he asked you out to prom." I looked at Marco. "Yeah he did, didn't go well for him though since I rejected his ass. He honestly thinks I'm going to accept his apologize and immediately say yes to him asking me to prom. Yeah right over his dead fucking body." Marco laughed softly. "I know you hate that man with a passion. Mia used to tell when y'all were in elementary and middle school, he used to mess with y'all." I stood in line. "I wish I could've punched him back then." "You still can to this very day." I laughed as someone cut in front of me. "Hey what giv-?" I gasped. "Chad... fucking move now." "No. You left me." I growled. "I'm sorry your bitch of a girlfriend beat the shit out of me then Ryan took me back to her place after school because your girlfriend thought I wanted your sorry ass." I pushed him out of the way and moved up on the line with Marco. "You need to get you girlfriend in check before coming to me huney." Marco and a few other people laughed and snickered, causing Chad to glare at them.


"Chad, get the fuck out of our way. Take your ass to the back of the fucking line." He rolled his eyes. "Tsk, why should I? What if I want to be next to my girlfriend?" I choked and looked at him. Marco covered his mouth as some students looked at him. "Girlfriend? Yeah no, I'm taken honey I don't want you at all. Even if I was single, I wouldn't date you. Ya see, assholes aren't my type. Their YOUR girlfriends type, but not mine." This caused everyone to say "oooo!" and "damnnn". Not only that but Chad was speechless, this caused Marco and I to cut back in front of him and get our food and head back to our table. Marco laughed. "Damn girl you told him." I giggled softly. "I'm tired of guys thinking they could say and do whatever they want. Not on my watch." We sat down as Ryan wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me onto her lap. Marco giggled. "Y'all will NOT believe what happened in the lunch line." James and then looked at him as he started to explain to them what happened.

Trust me, I love my friend group. I love them like my second family. But I might as well consider them my real family because my parents love them like they're their own kids. But as the lunch period continue through, I felt eyes on the back of my head and they were Chad's eyes.

~Last period~

I sat in class. My last class was Theater/Choir. Yup, I had two classes in one. I had a weird school like that well..I don't think it's weird. I sat on stage in the auditorium with Mia, Ryan, James, and Marco.

"I wonder what we're doing today." I watched as James laid back on the stage, shoes off along with his jacket off. "I wonder if it involves you putting your shoes back on." We laughed as James, pouting, lightly slapping Marco's arm. Marco whined and tackled James to the ground, straddling his lap, both arms on either side of James head. James chuckled softly, both hands behind his head, looking up at Marco with a smirk on his face. Marco blushed as red as a tomato. His ass was planted firmly on James lap, pressing deep onto his dick. Both Mia and I covered our mouths, squealing and taking pictures. Marco squeaked, covering his face and crawling off of James fast. James sat up and smiled. Sadly enough, he didn't hide the fact that he had a boner from Marco's ass against him. Marco happened the look down and see this large tent in his pants. I squeaked and held onto mia and whispered, which caused her to squeak and cover her mouth, smiling. Ryan on the other hand, just watch with amusement from me being happy. As long as I was happy, Ryan was happy. The teacher walks onto the stage and smiles. The bell rings. Time for class.

"Alright guys! We have a student that's transferred to this class. Let's treat him like family everyone and get him caught up to where we are. Everyone welcome Chad Smith." My eyes widened as Chad walked onto stage. Not only did mine widened, but James, Marco, Mia, and Ryan's eyes widened too. I felt Ryan's arm wrap around me as she glared at him. Chad chuckled softly. His eyes never leaving me. He walks over and sits near us. Ryan pulled me between her legs and growls softly against my neck. I gulped softly and held her hand. "Now then, we have nothing to do everyone so feel free to do whatever you like." Everyone cheered and did whatever they want. Ryan tugged on me and cuddled against me. Marco pulled out his speaker and playing Rihanna. Mia and I stood up, took our shoes off and started dancing to "Needed Me". Chad watched me, staring at my ass. He bit his lip, his jeans slowly getting tight around his crotch area. Ryan noticed and got up, taking her shoes off, nodding at Mia as she smirked and sat down, knowing Ryan is jealous of Chad staring at me. She walks over to me and started dancing with me, gripping my waist, keeping me against her. Chad growled softly. I giggled softly and looked at Ryan.

"When did you get here cutie?" She chuckled and kept me against her, groaning softly. I smiled. "I can't wait to go home. My mom's are gonna be happy to see you." Ryan chuckled. "Your moms fucking adore babygirl." I giggled and kept my body pressed against Ryan, biting my lip softly. Mia giggled along with James and Marco. "Those two are so freaking cute together." Chad rolled his eyes. "She's better off with a guy. At least she's getting fucked with a dick and she'll get pregnant." Mia growled and snapped at Chad. "Fuck off will you! Miki is perfectly happy with Ryan. You obviously don't care about anyone but yourself. It's like as long as Chad is fucking happy and gets whatever he wants, he's fucking satisfied!!" The song ended and Marco paused before another song played as Mia continued to go off on Chad. The entire class, along with the teacher, me, and Ryan, looked at Mia. Ryan and I heard every word she was saying. We walked over and grabbed Mia. "Hey Mia...let's go walking around the school." I looked at the teacher and he nodded. We took the chance to put our shoes back on, Marco grabbed his speaker and we left for fresh air, leaving our bags there.

Mia sighed softly. "He's fucking annoying." I rubbed her back. "Girl stuff like that what he said, you need to ignore. He's trying to get a reaction out of all of us. Instead of going off like that, you should've given him a smart ass comment so he'll shut up." She nodded and tried to cool down. She smiled at me softly and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back. "Thanks bestie." I giggled. Ryan chuckled softly and walked behind us.

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