Chapter 17

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Previously on, 'I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am......'

I ran in, unlocking the door and going to Roxy's room and grabbing her stuffie. I came out and saw Chad talking to Ryan. Oh no. Ryan was glaring at Chad.

"So where's my sweetheart at, hm?" Ryan scoffed. "YOUR sweetheart? Ha that's funny. That's none of your business where my babygirl is." Chad chuckled and peaked behind Ryan, looking at my little siblings. "Where are you two headed?" "That's none of your damn business, now fuck off." I walked over and got in the car. Before I could, Chad grabbed my arm. "Sweetheart." Ryan grabbed his wrist. "Don't even think about." I pulled away from Chad, completely ignoring him. "Ready to go babe?" Ryan nodded. "Yes babygirl." We hopped in and drove off, of course Chad following like a whiny puppy wanting their owner.

We walked inside the candy factory. The inside was pink....I mean just pink. There was light pink, hot pink, the walls were all kinds of pink. There was chocolate mainly everywhere. I would say this is like Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory, but it's not just chocolate, there's other candy's here too...AND THAT THE WALLS ARE FUCKING PINK IN THIS PLACE.

Ryan comes up behind me and puts her arm around me, watching me grab some sour candy. A lady and her kids happened to be near us. The lady looked at Ryan and I in disgust. Ryan looked over at her to watch her glaring at us. "Uh, can I help you?" The lady glared harder. "This is very inappropriate. There are children around here and your holding her so closed to you. Not to mention the clothes she's wearing is inappropriate. She's showing too much skin it's repulsing!" Ryan rolled her eyes. Though I wasn't looking, I was paying attention to everything this fucking "Karen" was saying. "I don't want my kids to be shown such...ugh!" "Are you homophobic?" The lady looked at me. I turned around looking at her. "Answer the fucking question dumbass. Are you homophobic? You must be because you don't like the way my girlfriend is holding me. And really you act like your kids are going to to do the same thing we're doing bitch please. Your kids have no idea what is going on. Then you have the nerves to say that what I'm wearing is "inappropriate". You have to be the dumbest bitch ever. This isn't inappropriate. This is me being who I am. For once in my fucking life, I actually have confidence to walk outside my house, in a skirt, and not get fucking body shamed because I'm a big girl wearing a skirt. And for you to have the nerves of saying what I'm wearing is inappropriate! Bitch, I'd slap the shit out of you, but I don't want to touch a bitch like you!" The lady stated at me in shock. Everyone around us had stopped what their doing and watched us. "So please, stop with your bullshit because no one is buying it Karen, and move the fuck on. If you don't like what we're doing, then don't fucking look. Here's something you can really do, fucking leave!" With that I turned away to get some more candy. I froze hearing everyone clapping and cheering. The manager came over to us. "Is this Karen bothering y'all?" I nodded and turned to see my old best friend, Alex. I squealed and jumped on him, hugging him. "Oh my god!!!!!!" He laughed and held me. "Goodness sweetheart, chill." I smiled and giggled. I felt an arm wrap around me. I turned and looked at Ryan and kissed her softly. "No jealous," I whispered. Alex smiled. "I'll get rid of her, she does this all the time." Alex went on ahead to go tend to that damn bitch. Ryan looked down at me. "Mine~." I giggled and hugged her. "Of course I am and your mine Ryan. Trust me, Alex is an old friend of mine. Mia and Marco know him as well." Alex came back and smiled. "So how's it been?" I looked at him. "It's been good. How have you been? It's been so long since I've seen you?" He smiled softly. "It's been really good, I've just been taking care of my mom and sister, I'm a manager at this candy factory, the owner little adores me so I get a lot of money in my check. So yeah everything has been good." I smiled. "That's good, I'm glad." Alex and I continued to talk for a bit, but I can tell Ryan was getting jealous and wanted to leave. She wrapped her arms around me and tucked her head into my neck. Alex and I looked at her. "Oh whoops! Sorry about that, am I wasting y'all's time?" I laughed softly. "No no no not at all Alex." Something about Alex watching Ryan do that in front of us...I can tell Alex didn't like that. He seemed jealous and hurt? No no there's no way Alex likes me. If anything I thought he'd like Mia. Alex handed me his number. "Text me later." He smiled and hugged me, though he didn't think I noticed but I did. He pushed Ryan off and hugged me, tight. He pulled away and chuckled. "By the way, you look really cute in your outfit." He winked and walked off. Ryan growled and pulled me into her arms. "Let's grab some more candy and leave." I looked at Ryan and nodded. I knew she was mad.

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