Chapter 21

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Previously on, 'I Should Be Proud Of Who I Am...'

We pulled up behind the school, a couple of blocks away from the school. I called Mia. "Girl! Ryan and I are about a couple of blocks away from the school, the back of the school." "Okay girl, ooo so excited for this fight. I told Cindy where to meet you and this bitch started telling the rest of the school. So fucking annoying for this bitch to spread the word like that. We aren't tryna get in trouble." I rolled my eyes. "It's whatever bestie, I don't care. She's going to get what she deserves, trust me." She smiled through the phone. "Oh yeah she is!" I laughed softly. "The bell is going to ring soon, call me when you and the others are on the way, the whole school is probably going to be behind y'all with Cindy and them." Mia hummed softly. "Oh I know they are but I don't care. I just can't wait for my bestie to fuck this girl up!!" I laughed as Mia and I hung up. I looked over at Ryan and smiled. "Is my baby ready?" I nodded. "This has gone on too long. Her and Chad have done nothing but make our lives a living hell and I'm tired of it. I want it to end." Ryan agreed. "I know baby, I know. We are going to end this today. They'll learn not to mess with you or us again."

A couple of blocks away and we still heard the school bell go off. "They really need to get that fixed. No school bell should be THAT loud." Ryan laughed softly. I was sitting on top of her car hood while she was leaning against it next to me. From the distance, I see Mia and them running, Cindy and her friends were about 8 feet behind them, with almost the entire school behind her. I rolled my eyes. Mia and them came up to us. "Ready to kick her ass bestie?" I looked at Mia and Marco and smirked. "You know it." Victoria smiled. "We don't allow jumping in but if her friends jump in trust us, we will jump in too." I laughed softly and hopped off the car as Cindy and her squad stopped about 6 feet in front of us. "We're here bitch. Ready to get your ass whooped?" I laughed softly and stood in front of her. "You? Whoop my ass? Yeah right." We both backed up slowly. Mia walked in front of us. "NO JUMPING GOT IT!! Cindy if your friends even think about jumping my bestie, me, Marco, and Victoria will fuck them up!" Cindy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, let's fight!" Mia back away as Cindy came at me. I rolled my eyes and ducked, then punched her straight in the stomach. She's a weak fighter. She only likes to grab hair and shit. I fight dirty. She groans and comes at me again, trying to grab my hair. That's where she's wrong. I grab her wrist, grabbing her other wrist and kicking her in the stomach again. She goes down as the crowd cheer me on. I get on top of her and start punching the shit out of her. She's covering her face, screaming but I'm kneeing her in the sides so she can move her hands. Her close friend, Jessica comes in. She tries to punch me, but Mia grabs her wrist and breaks me. She lets out a horrible, disgusting scream as we hear her bone crack. Mia kicks her in the face, sending her flying back. "Break it up! The police are coming!!" Ryan, Marco, and James grab me and pulls me away. Veronica and Victoria grab Mia and pull her away. We got into Ryan's car and drove away before the cops even got there.

"Holy shit! Baby damn you can fight." I still had anger in me. Mia was holding my hand. "It's okay bestie. As soon as we get to school, we go straight to Ms. Castãneda's office and get that bitch in trouble." I nodded. "I still have a screenshot of the message she sent me about wanting to fight and shit. She's getting in trouble I don't care what happens. If I have to fight her stupid ass again I fucking will. Mark my words."

We pulled up to another one of our favorite spots to hangout and got out the car. We walked into the place and sat down in the back. It was the local library that we always hang out at when we all first met. We sat in the far back of the library. Ryan held me on her lap. "My baby is a badass." I laughed softly. Mia smirked. "Damn so it's like that Miki. Being the badass bestie that you are?" I laughed more, covering my mouth. Mia smiled and held onto my arm as I wrapped my other arm around her neck. She smiled softly. "You kicked her ass good huh bestie?" I smirked. "Yeah, I really did. She got what she fucking deserved anyways."


Cindy came at me. I rolled my eyes and ducked, then punched her straight in the stomach. She's a weak fighter. She only likes to grab hair and shit. I fight dirty. She groans and comes at me again, trying to grab my hair. That's where she's wrong. I grab her wrist, grabbing her other wrist and kicking her in the stomach again. She goes down as the crowd cheer me on. I get on top of her and start punching the shit out of her. She's covering her face, screaming but I'm kneeing her in the sides so she can move her hands.

I smirked to myself remembering what I did to Cindy and how I fucked her up.


Cindy's best friend, Jessica comes at me but Mia grabs her wrist and breaks me. She lets out a horrible, disgusting scream as we hear her bone crack. Mia kicks her in the face, sending her flying back.

Both Mia and I smirked at each other.

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