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(A/n : Sorry for not being on this account in a while, so this chapter is short, but I will make the next chapter longer)

Y/n's POV : 

It has been 7 days sense my unofficial family came to Arcadia, and to be frank




I'm scared. 

Chandler has been chasing away EVERYONE that has approached me sense we started school. And before anyone asks what Cole is doing, he is helping. 




ONLY he is WORSE than Chandler! He is starting fight after fight with mainly the boys. I SHOULD be used to them doing this, sense they have been doing this for YEARS!... but... it never gets easier.

Main problem with this is that Cole is manly fighting with Steve. Every. Single. Time. He sees him.

I am considering bringing back in the lemon sprayer. 


Never mind, I'm bringing in the sprat bottle tomorrow.

~The Next Day~

"Shut it! Palchuk! She is OUR sister, not yours!" Just as Cole brings his fist in the air I whip out the lemon spray, and spray him in the eyes. Steve THEN chooses to fight Chandler, no. 

Chandler is a amateur boxer, though, not for long sense he is being scouted by rings. I spray both dead in the eyes before Steve's blood and teeth can hit the floor. I very quickly begin dragging my two crying brothers, Chandler and Cole, to our next class. Once I sat them in their chairs I leave them there to cry their eyes out. 

Just as I was walking away I hear them begin laughing, loudly. Everyone in the class looks at them and they basically scream, "just like old times!"

I chuckle, yeah, every time we switch schools they annoy me by forcing all the other student away from us until I eventually came up with the idea of the lemon spray bottle. Though I have a lot of spray bottles, the lemon one is my last resort bottle... Like training dogs I guess... 

I like the fact that they keep trying to keep my little world in tact, but it was broken once I was forced to come here...

"Hey y/n?..." I look up from my desk and see Krel. He looked like he has a fever with how red his face is. I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes, Krel?" Out of the corner of my eye I can see Chandler and Cole perk up at the mention of a boys name. 

"I... was wondering... would you mind coming with me to a party that Mary is hosting in the woods, tomorrow?" Interesting, I would have thought that If either of us were to take interest in each other I would have been the first to say something, or Aja would have...

"Sure!" But I swear to God, if this turns out to be some cruel joke! I'm going to break everyone involved's arms. I watch him go to his seat, and the bell rings... great. 

~After School, At Home~

"WHY DID YOU SAY YES!? WHAT IF IT TURNS OUT TO BE A SICK JOKE!?" I thought the same thing at first, but as the went on I actually grew to believe that there was NO WAY that he was pulling a joke on me, so Chandler and Cole screaming at me that very same idea that I thought earlier was like a slap in the face. 

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