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No ones POV :

Krel woke up with a start when he heard a screech! It was Steve... (The mothership turned on Krel's holo when Steve entered the house, don't know if mother could actually do that though)

"What are you doing buttsnack! That is my sister!" Krel looked at Steve confused for a second, clearly forgetting you were there.

"What are you talking about Steve?" Steve looks at him like Krel was insane, and motions to Krel's bed , Krel looks at his bed and sees you. Krel's face turns bright red. You laid there still as a stone, that is until you hear your ringtone.

"Y/n here, who is this and why have you called?..." The 2 boys both watch you with disbelief sense you seem to have noticed neither.

Your POV : 

"Y/n! We just landed and are on our way to Arcadia, we should be there in 1 hour!" I jumped out of the bed I was in, which is not mine.

"Really!? Your almost here! Awesome! Send me the address of you new home I'll be their waiting!" I began jumping from foot to foot. (Let's say the address is a house in Krel's neighborhood), hearing the address you walk to the front of the moth ship to see it is right across the street...




And you aren't at your mothers house... "... hold on a second I think I'm currently in the house right across from your new one..." 

"Oh? Baby girl I though you mothers house was on the other side of town?"

"Mom's house is on the other side of town Marcus... I don't even know how I got in this house..."



"We will be there in 2 minutes..."

"What but you said it would take you an hour to get here!"

"We lied!" I hear the phone being slammed down, and her the poor car Marcus and Filip are in begin screaming.

"Y/n who were you on the phone with?" I look behind me and see my idiot twin, I sigh, not like I can keep that a secret, though I keep other things a secret...

"I was on the phone with my unofficial dads." Steve seems to freeze for a second and Aja speaks.

"What do you mean 'unofficial dads' are they your your fathers or not, and how many fathers do you have?" Aja looks at me like I am some form of experiment.

"What I mean is the people who actually raised me up, I consider them to be my fathers, but they are not related to me in any blood way, and I have like 20 dads alone, other relative that aren't actually related to me are a different story..." Steve, Aja, and Krel look like I just dropped a bomb on them. 

Then I hear the screech of a car, quickly I leave the house I'm in and I hear the screech of breaks. A car stops outside and out jumps Marcus, Filip, and their 2 sons. I tackle the oldest son, Chandler, "Hey big bro!"

"It's the youngest of us!" Cole jumps on my back, me still  being on Chandler we fall flat on our asses.

"Y/n! Who are these people they seem lively!" Filip approaches her first, he is wearing a black tank top, showing off his tattoo sleeve, Steve steps in front of her in a protective manor sense he, Marcus, is rather large. Marcus is also wearing shorts with flip flops showing off his tattoos on his legs, all look very beautiful on his caramel brown skin. His light brown hair is slightly covering his forehead with dark brown eyes.

"My name is Marcus dear! I'm Y/n's unofficial Father!" Filip then approaches them, he is wearing a cute tank top with netting under it. Filip isn't as tall as Marcus, but he is as covered in tattoos, but his are all colorful unlike Marcus's black and white ones. Marcus is as white as snow, and has shiny yellow hair with bright green eyes.

"Hello! My name is Filip and I'm Y/n's unofficial Papa!" Chandler got up, looked at them with his piercing blue eyes. Her hair is like gold, and like Filip he is as pale as snow. He smiles kindly at them, though I can see his killer intentions.

"Hello there! I am Chandler Y/n's unofficial triplet brother!" Knowing the que Cole runs up, and smiles at them all the same way Chandler was smiling at them.

"Hello I'm Cole! Y/n's other unofficial triplet brother!" Cole is slightly tanned with dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes like Chandler... Well... his right eye is blue like Chandlers, his left eye is a bright pink.

Krel Tarron x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt