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Your POV : ~ 1 year time skip~

Ugh! . . . "Chandler hurry up! You too Eli! Cole is waiting for us!" Geez! Ever sense Eli and Chandler started dating Chandler has only gotten slower! 

I hop on my bike and head to the next town over. . . 

Author's POV : 

I bet your wondering what happened over the year I skipped! So let me tell you! The entire plot happened, including the movie, without your help sense you were away. . . 

Let me tell you why!

Ankorite's, your alien species have a special method to everything! And you were ong through the proper methods to become the full blooded queen with Chandler and Cole doing the same thing. 

Cole was the first to finish his trial at six months, and to that extent was the first to go back home as the Anodite's king, and he will soon go to space to search for his people, and to bring them home. He has decided though to wait to see about his partner in the future. 

Next was Chandler who finished at nine months. He went home the as the next Anditor's king, and he will also soon have to go to space to search for his people, and bring them home. He also got into a relationship with Eli a week before the trial, and they stayed int hat relationship through the trail. He told Eli everything about you guys, and Eli accepted it. Now Chandler hasn't told Eli this but he is considering making Eli his partner, sense things are very serious in this relationship. 

Then you came back after 11 months, finished your trail, and succeeded! You were so excited, and you were on your way to tell Krel


When you came to see him however you two broke up. . . 

"I'm sorry but I can't date the Queen of a monster race!" Was what Krel said before he left you at the cliff. 

It took you a few weeks to get over it, which resulted in you having to push back the  search, and that is where you are going today, or well not today, today you are preparing Eli to come into space with you, Cole and Chandler!

Your POV : 

I'm excited! Eli agreed to come with us, so he is going to have a blood transfusion with me! I was the one he chose to be his blood donor which I have been rubbing in Chandlers face for the past 2 days! We are going to a base Filip sent up in the woods while we were away. 

I went a head because I actually have to do more, like I've been taking blood thinners so that way Eli doesn't get hurt by all the power my blood holds. I also have to siphon my power into a crystal while my blood is being taken, which is going to put strain on me, but I should be fine. 

We are going to have to do this once a day for a week, and in that time we won't be able to go to space, so we are going to go next month. Which is slightly a bummer, but hey, who am I to complain?

I get to the base, which was put deep as shit into the woods! I enter and take off my leather jacket to reveal my tank top. Then I sit in the stupid chair, and pop in all the damn pills I have to so Eli doesn't get hurt, and put my hand on the crystal with Cole monitoring my vitals. Sense Filip and Marcus are busy preparing the ship. 

After about 10 minutes Eli and Chandler enter. "Oh... Y/n doesn't look too good! Is this going to hurt her?!" 

"I'm fine Eli! Doing this just makes me slightly tired!" After saying this Eli calms down, and sits in the chair. 

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