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You just silently celebrate, Cole slightly smiles, and then you get dragged away from the cute scene. 


Krel's POV : 

I dragged Y/n away from what ever she was watching without looking at what she was watching. 

Once we were out of Cole's line of sight and hopefully range of hearing... but then again you never know with his kind... After all he in the end is the main reason that Y/n and I broke up. 

(Flash Back)

I had been looking for Y/n after I had lost my parents in order to stop General Morando, and she was gone for so long. It honestly took me a while to pin point her and her family. I had found them in a cave in India. 

Or at least it once was a cave, it seemed that at one point one of their kind had made a base or mine of some kind in the cave. It seemed to have been any old cave on earth at one point, but now it was growing bloodite crystals. The crystals themselves with out a natural power source could pass for the Earth material rubies, but these Bloodite Crystal all seemed to have a power source. . . . 

The source you might be wondering?

It was a Acoridian Core! The core itself was once a royal core, once, now... it was corrupt beyond repair! Around it was a bunch of advance human monitors... way more advanced than anything I've ever seen on Earth, it was closer to stuff one would find on Akoridian-5. All of it was connected to the core, draining it of its life, for who knows how long.

I reached out to it, only to get my hand grabbed by Cole! 

"Cole! Hey!~" I could feel sweat running down my neck. I was prepared to meet Y/n's fathers, and Y/n... NOT HER BROTHERS!

"How did you find this place, and why are you here?" Cole looked at me, and I watched in horror as his eyes went straight pink as did his hair, like an Anodite! Cole smirked when he saw my fear, "what?... Did you think we were normal humans?" Cole made a growling come from his throat as though he were a bear! "Sorry!"  He walked around me like a bear on the hunt about to kill an injured animal!

"Cole-" Cole cut me off before I could do or say anything to him.

"Krel~ Krel!~ KREL!~ I can't imagine how you must feel, after all..." He pushed me into a chair, and pinned me there, mainly because he grew to be about twice my size! "You feel in love with your natural enemy!" Everything froze when Cole said that to me.

"...what?" I watched as his smirk grew to the size of that Cheshire cat things smile! He leaned in so he was very, very close to my face with his blood hungry one. 

"Y/n," please don't say it, PLEASE don't say what I think you will say, "is a Ankorite." The second that those words left his mouth everything froze in my world, things were a blur. 

So much so that I didn't even realize I had left until I was in my room sitting on my bed. 

Then everything happened with my parents, and Aja went back to Akoridian-5 for a while. So when Y/n came back... I didn't even think before I rejected her, and shooed her away!

(Back to current time, he is standing in a clearing in the forest with the forest with you.)

I've been trying very hard to make things up to her, although apparently very poorly, sense nothing has been working. 

Y/n clapped her hands in front of my face, "hello~?" 

I can see the annoyance on her face, but decide to spill everything, "Y/n -" 

Krel Tarron x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora