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Y/N's POV : 

~After Classes, During Lunch~

"Ugh. . . I'm exhausted!" Cole, just stared at me, then looked at my hand as I kept rotating it to get everyone in my mirrors sight. Once I'm done I pull the mirror close to my face, and act like I am checking my eye. 

And I whispered, "mirror show me their secrets." Cole nudged me with his arm, and I just handed mirrors to them. So they saw what I saw too. 

Hm. . . 

Human secrets are boring!~

wait. . . there are 2 of them. . . . 


And my 'twin' is with the Acoridian girl! He's fucked me in more ways than one with this simple fucking act! Also what the fuck is a troll? 

I put my mirror down and my Cheshire Brothers do the same, we all get closer together so it would be harder for people to snoop. 

"I have a question. . . do any of you guys know what the fudge is a troll?" Ed looked at all of us after asking the question, and we all just shrugged. 

"I'm ma look it up." We all watched over Triks shoulder as he looked up 'trolls'. Up came up multiple drawings of stone large masses,  all of them looked ugly in a cute way though to be honest. "Gross, but awesome." All of us chuckled at Triks comment, but then we get back to the subject. . . Nothing on 'troll hunters' though. 

Eventually we all just got bored and looked up the next secret. 


Mages are just humans with magic. How boring. 

Then it was just us looking up what we can and can't get easily here in Arcadia. 

Easy : 

~School(Boring for us)

~Books(That made Teo, Cole, Slightly me, Lo, and NO! happy) 


~Semi Fast Food

~Aliens(apparently, and unfortunately)

~Idiots(This is a good thing for us)

Hard : 

~The Candy we like(we have to order it in now)

~The Sextuplets favorite clothing brands

~Good makeup

~Actual Gemstones

So yeah, we are slightly upset about the things we couldn't get easily. The sextuplets are pissed about that though, but then again they have the most expensive taste of all of us Cheshire's, or no, that is a lie, Bear does, but we aren't aloud to comment on his wardrobe. 

Once the bell rings, spooking the shit out of Ginger in the process, we all start picking up our stuff and scatter, so we can not interact with people unnecessarily/so people don't ask, 'do you know where you are going'. Comments like that. 

I basically ran into my next class, and contemplate murder. The only empty seat. 

The only one! 

Is surrounded by, what is supposed to be my mortal enemies, though one is cute- the 'troll hunter' group, and the mage weirdo. 

Murder is always an option. 

So long as the Cheshires are not around. . . 

If they are then you just need to be a whistle blower, and then you can just be accused of man slaughter. 


Begrudgingly I sit in the chair and wait. I feel their eyes on me, but try my hardest to ignore them. 

(A/n : Seating arrangement
Jim - Claire - Toby - other student
Krel- Y/n - Douxie, cause he can be - other student 2
Steve - Aja - Eli - other student
More other students
I have no clue what class this is, so lets say a very bad science one, Teacher don't get a name, but the teacher is a male)

Mr.________, finally enters the classroom, and I thank the stars, for now! I have no clue how this class is going to go, but just in case. I flash my mirror in his direction. Then I glanced at the mirror, ew! What the hell, he is _(put whatever you want here, I am just drawing a blank.) _?! The people in this school are fucked up!

The lecture starts getting sleep inducing, so I just decide, that the class needs to get a little exciting, even  if not by choice. 

I whisper, "boom." And his chalk blows up like a firework, but without the colors, just white. Mr.________ looks at his hand before looking, surprisingly at Douxie. . . what other secrets are you hiding? 

I flip my mirror so it is facing him again, but this time with no obstructions, and I keep it that way with no interruptions the rest of class. The longer you are in sight of my mirrors, the longer I have to dig, the harder it is for things to hide. The more determined I am to get the secret, the harder it is to hide what is in the back of your mind, even if you are great. 

The rest of the day goes by quickly. Quickly I gather the other Cheshires, and we go home, immediately. 

Or so I hoped, Steve, stopped me. 

"What?" I snatched my hand back from him, as he just stares at me. "...what?"

". . . .Why do you only come now? When I am happy?"




I look behind him and see Aja, Krel, Eli, and Douxie, "well, how am I suppose to answer that question?" I give off a nervous laugh, before I feel Cole grab me, and we are all running back home. 

Words hurt, even if said wrong. I disliked Steve greatly before. Now? 

Now I hate my brother with the greatest passion ever. . . because way too many people have said that to me in my damn life time. He just became one of them, and now. If anyone says that to me again, I will become the villain of the tale, just like our parents before us were the Acoridians villains. . . 

Once we get home we all instantly head to the 'Underground'. 

Just we all have rooms on the Underground, our parents had one too. 

Now. . . Lets see what we can do to the fullest. 

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